Collars By FluffyStalker

Fluffies are programed to tell you they love you, but how many times do they feel true love for their owners? Most of the time is just hardwired love what they express.

After years of having a mummah or a daddeh a fluffy will finally feel true love, such intense love that it will even fill their collars and give it their desires of not being alone ever again, some fluffies believe about these collars as being a symbol of how good of a fluffy they have been for their owners.

If these collars are left behind by the fluffy for any reason, it will call another fluffy to be loved, every time it passes to another fluffy it will intensify, making the fluffy more starved of love and more needy to the point where it will start making manipulative fluffies that will even guilt trip their owners into loving them more, even if they are affected in a negative way.

If the collar doesn’t receive the love it wants in the fluffy it is, it will tighten over the days until it chokes the fluffy and frees itself by severing the head, waiting for another fluffy to seek love for it.