Coming in a dark room by KovácsAmbrózia


I can’t tell if this fluffy is trying to greet a new human or wants its virginity restored.
Those dick-shaped leggies ain’t exactly clearing up any confusion.

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It is meant being “new human” and multiple legs jotting from all around. I am not good with art.

I know, it’s just a joke mate.
Not gonna argue with you on that second one, there’s certainly some room for improvement, but you don’t need to be good at art to make interesting fluffy art. We’ve had plenty of people with your skill level make popular comics.

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You’ve got a good foundational understanding of perspective, I’d recommend working on some proportions next, but you’ve definitely got some great potential. Also, this post makes me giggle every time I see it regardless, so keep it up!

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OK, thank you. I just not speak English good.

Thank you. I got plastic tube home using it.