commission for Avoiding_mare by Julie

was asked by @avoiding_mare to do a comish of a neglected pillow fluffy with a muzzle on
so i did my best!
neglected pillow fluff2
if you want to comission me feel free to look at my prices here!
trying Commissions (Julie)!
Thank you very much to Avoiding_Mare!


Poor thing.
Great work on this one!


thank you!!


Seems about right until the owner discovers the mess.

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I love the cruelty of the muzzle, like my guy has :rofl: no legs who is he gonna attack its clearly just for spite


Great pic very happy with how it turned out, thanks!


Turned out great.

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Looks like no legs solves any complaints on legs lol

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But why @Julie , if one may ask?

I’m just slowly commissioning more suffering fluffs as I think up ideas for them


not gonna lie, the way you said it got me all confused for a bit
May wana rephrase that if you ask it about other artists friend, it stung a bit

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Oh, no, that was not what I was getting at, at all!
Was piqued by the contrast between your usual style & content - which is positively joyous, at times - & the Bleakbox commission.
( Which, by the way, was fulfilled very nicely, as far as one can tell - use of empty space to accentuate her solitude, etc ) .

I do try to leave art criticism to those who actually know their stuff, such as @Fluffus

Again, I do apologise!


ah its no problem my friend! i understand!

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nooo poor baby :sob:

For some reason some of the lines make me think the poor thing is shaking too, which makes this even more sad.

But honestly the muzzle is such a great touch. Fluffies (generally) can’t bite for shit so what’s it gonna do, gnaw its fluff from stress and boredom? All it does really is prevent the thing from eating, and I’m not even sure it could reach the food bowl anyway.


Means it cannot talk :no_mouth:?

Can’t talk, can’t eat. Forgotten in a room.


Wan die in 3 2…

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