Comparison Between a Breeder Alicorn and an Exotic Alicorn (by ButtonBack)

Derped, fragile runt with large eyes and pug genes?
I love that.


The smaller the dog, the louder it barks

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…oh, THOSE bastards.

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Yep, to explain An exotic bully is a bully mix that looks like if a frog and a bully mutt had a baby, a very much genetic dumpster fire of a baby.

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I’m tempted to make a kitsune fluffy dumpster fire now.



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The world of rich fluff fanciers is a horrific freak show, by all accounts.

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Yep, it definitely is. Many breeders genuinely try to dissuade people from getting “exotics.” Like there is a difference between a mutation popping up and people inbreeding Fluffies which is how exotic breeders usually tend to get exotics.

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Crime Boss fluffy when

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it’s got goldfish eyes, oddly adorable on it.

There are some really weird goldfish breeds that are absolutley fucked up
Same with how breeders fucked up siamese cats.


It’s basically short man syndrome.

Also I imagined that exotic fluffy having the voice of Peter Lorre and it is hilarious.

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Would buy the exotic 10/10 times.


So like pugs? Except retro pugs, retro pugs are cool.


… I kinda prefer the exotic one. Look at it! So much personality, so silly-looking. So derpy. I can imagine its eyes rolling around like dropped change when you pick it up or jostle it. Just an absolutely perfect specimen.

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Yeah if you shook it you might hear a singular brain cell rattling around in there.

I’ve always been skeptical about this syndrome.
Everyone says that short people are aggressive to boost their self-esteem, and no one will think that if such people are not aggressive, someone will finally step on their heads.
I myself have noticed that sometimes people who don’t know me well allow themselves to be rude to me, just because I’m less than 1.70 meters.

Ohhh i love this comparison!! poor little exotic baby, their quality of life is probably horrible. though thankfuly the other one looks healthy, i’ll be sure to do some research next time i adopt an alicorn :grin:

I think I’m 1.82, but I live in the Netherlands, and this is a land of tall bastards, so by Dutch standards, I’m short.

I’ve never gotten crap for it, though.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if it depended on the environment.
I worked in security for 5 years and met all sorts of “differently pleasant” people.

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