Strangely, can edit but can’t delete.
Why do all these people like their non native sacks of water stealing chloroplasts so much? Like can’t they have other reasons for hurting fluffies?
Self-Sufficiency. Growing your own food is dope, yo. Plus it will be a useful skill when the nukes drop and all the EMPs rendering all our current devices inert
The fact that fluffies can take out something that large that easily means that it requires an artificial equilibrium, so unless you can use all that water when the grid goes off tough luck.
Two of my neighbors and I put together some space and we’ve got three acres of vegetable farming.
And if any of us nail a deer trying to raid our shit it’s split 40-30-30.
Welp. Good thing the foundational premise of the fluffy fandom is you don’t need a reason to justify anything you do to a fluffy then, abuse, hugbox, or otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thrill out dude.
That’s dope. I’ve had elk stew, but I don’t think I’ve ever eaten deer meat.
I would have simply gone with a good tummeh-babbeh-ending knee to the gut but that allows her to get knocked up again.
… but your garden continues to get eaten while you’re away
Deer is fantastic if you butcher it fast and get it cold fast. Too long and the gameyness really sets in.
This is why I allow guinea hens in my garden. They eat the bugs and will kill anything that comes into there area. Works with gophers. (They re egg also taste like chicken eggs)
I dont think the baby deserved starveing to death thgoh
Should’ve thought about that before existing, it’s sorta a hazard that comes with life. Not even being a fluffy just being alive.
Nothing deserves anything, neither do humans.
You to
Woah chill out my dude. I’m not even saying I’d kill it in that situation just that life is inherently horrible and meaningless.