Cool 2 Quit: By Stwumpo

“Huuuuuu wai daddeh take Cindywawa pwetty fwuff way? Cindywawa nee fwuff fow be wawmies! Huuu, su su cowd…” The overly dramatic mare shivered as the last of her coat was shorn away. She didn’t know why daddeh got so meanies! All she’d said was that his nunu place looked like a babbeh! What was wrong with that? The nice lady daddeh was talking to liked it!

Now daddeh had taken all her pretty fluff and left her in a plastic tub. She was quivering and sniffling and whimpering when he returned from the closet with a box. Wordlessly, he started to take little things out. They were like stickers. Like pale stickers. When he started sticking them to her, she giggled and playfully kicked. “Siwwy daddeh! Nyu sticky fwends? Pwesent fow Cindywawa?” He didn’t respond. He just kept going.

A few minutes after the first one had gone on, she started feeling funny. Her heart was speeding up and she was sweating. She wasn’t cold anymore, far from it. She was grinding her soft little teefies and making a humming noise as she nervously tapped her hooves.

When daddeh was done he’d covered her whole tummeh, most of her sides and back, and quite a bit of her weggies. But Cinderella wasn’t thinking about that. She was thinking about how much it hurt to have your blood pressure so high out of nowhere.

Cinderella was doubled over in pain, but shaking violently. As daddeh sat nearby smoking a cigar, Cinderella was able to compose herself enough to stand. Her body was betraying her. Every inch of her screamed in agony from the spasms. She saw daddeh and reached out with her eyes, the only tool yet to betray her. Her gaze met his and after what seemed an eternity, he stood and walked over. She’d done it. She’d gotten through. Maybe she’d be-

Daddeh put his cigar out in her eye. She whited out from the pain and never came back.

“Call me a babydick, huh?”


What sort of patches did he use?

Nicotine withdrawal patches lmao

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Could use those myself most days

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Step 1: Accidentally make fun of this guy’s dick