Cost of Living Chapter 1 - (Artist:Mutagen)

Well, I just want to see where Mutagen goes with this. Knowing how unusual Postfluff has gotten, I’d hope he’d have an interesting take on pest invasions, especially considering that microfluffies aren’t like the typical pest.

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Easier said than done. Killing some little horses that are crying and begging for mercy is definitely a “will save” sort of situation.


The only difference is they can communicate better with humans than other invasive pests can.

Again. Nip it in the bud. Rip that bandaid off and don’t second guess yourself. Only thing to do


There’s some almost endearing about their dedication to humping.

Until you remember the little idiots are likely to eat him out of house and home


Which, in my opinion, puts them above the average pest.

See, this is where we differ. I don’t like to focus too much on canons of fluffies as invasive as I think that their ability to talk and reason, albeit stunted, posits for interesting ideas as opposed to just resorting to outright “hate”. And sure, I can get that a microfluffy infestation is a problem, but maybe some really nice coloured ones could be saved, while getting rid of the rest, or perhaps the herd leader (assuming there is one here) realizes that their colony is in danger, and may have to make an exodus. Much like Arriety of the Borrowers situation.

I think some people are too hung up on overall looking at fluffies in the negative. I mean, you don’t have to convince me about how some fluffies are negative, I just feel its very played out.


Emotion is the enemy of logic. Just ask the Vulcans. Hence the “will save” metaphor. You know what you want to do, but it will take effort to bring yourself to do it.


It’d really be a good way to help define or explore characters. Common problem, different reactions. Some might fall for the cuteness, some are utterly turned off by their loud suffering, another tries to humanely deal with them but can’t make a dent in the population, another goes abuse crazy but wastes all their time doing so also leaving them behind.

Likewise, you could use it to explore the herds as well. Who stays and why? Do any get the hint? Will there be sadness and mourning over lost friends and family? What sort of tiny dramas could unfold?

Agreed, although Mutagen has established a lack of resources to do it properly (ie, hire a professional) and that the landlord is a prick. To me this implies that options are limited, and no good way to do it will be found for a while. Bug-bombing the place will result in dead fluffies in the walls, stinking of the place, and possibly getting them evicted.

We’ve got conflict, we’ve got complications, and now to see how things progress! :smiley:

To be honest: you’ve got the best, fastest solution for the real world. At least this is a home and not a restaurant! :stuck_out_tongue:


I just like its not a rape and she seems to be quite happy being part of it.

I /am/ predictable and boring, mind you.


Not mutually inclusive. I’d argue that rats are more intelligent and can reason better than fluffies. Again. Only difference is fluffies can talk. If you’re going to let a fluffy invasion fly, I hope you’d show that same courtesy to rats and mice.

So fluffies shouldn’t be exterminated because they are intelligent and can reason, but you’re going to choose which live or die based on what colors you prefer? That’s a lot less humane than the “kill em all crowd”. They are at least treating all fluffies the same while you’re creating an arbitrary hierarchy despite their intelligence and sentience.


Yeah, another moron property owner heard from. Probably a slum lord.

The MC is just a renter, so if the walls or roof of the building collapse due to microfluffy piss and poop, he can just go rent somewhere else, and the moron owner will then have to fumigate and repair because he’s a dumbass cheapskate.


If the MC is that broke then options might be limited. And the landlord could blame the MC, giving them bad referrals to other landlords. Its not an enviable position.

And frankly, if the place is paid off? The landlord could just sell it to somebody who has watched too many DIY shows while laughing all the way to the bank.


Gas them

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Just finished playing Frostpunk this last weekend. Can confirm, you’re city would die :sweat_smile:

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Well, depends on headcanon. And hell, I’d argue that having the ability to talk and reason with language puts it above the average rat. Which becomes a difference in approach. And when it comes to headcanon, I do see fluffies as more intelligent compared to rats, which obviously differs from yours.

I’m just saying that there are different ways the problem could approached. Yes, it is rather cruel, but, from an impartial, utilitarian and profit-oriented approach, I could see that as one recourse. Personally, I’m more for stories revolving around the fluffies themselves, which I posited the other option of fluffies realizing that maybe hanging around isn’t a good idea. And yes, I get that fluffies are dumb, but maybe some of them might realize the possible danger? I mean, it has been done. Its why I get a little tired of “fluffies can’t realize that” - I rather read the stories where fluffies have a bit more agency.


Had to look that game up. Looks neat! Man, I want a new Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri though… Beyond Earth didn’t do it for me :frowning:


Alpha Centauri is in the clutches of EA, I feel your pain. Firaxis made Beyond Earth because they couldn’t make a new Alpha Centauri.

What is Frostpunk and why would being nice to little horses kill my city?

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Your two choices are

  1. fluffies are reasonable and utilize their ability to communicate. They come out of the walls and either convince the tenant to adopt them, or he convinces them they can’t stay and sends them to a no-kill shelter or store. => No conflict => No story => This won’t happen.
  2. Fluffies are too stupid, scared, short sighted, stubborn to utilize the one advantage they have over other pests => the only solution is to try to trap them to get rid of them humanely, or exterminate them before they can reproduce.

While trapping is commendable, it’ll just make the situation worse as their numbers grow and they become more paranoid and less trusting of humans. You start with a handful of dumb fluffs, soon you’ll have dozens that know the best hiding places and how/when to avoid you.

Nip it in the bud