Cotton wants babbehs (fluffybooru id: 36333 & 36340) (by: Wolfram_Sparks)

We need more fluffies in party hats.


I always took it as an incredibly oblivious owner. The owner isn’t intentionally terrible, they just don’t realize how much Cotton wants them.

She asks every once and awhile? Just tell her no, she’ll forget about them. Let her watch 'Babies" on TV, that’ll sooth her desire for babies!


That “its my birthday” hat is both adorable and deeply pathetic at the same time. Which also describes Wolfram’s fluffies in general.


I believe Wolfram’s fluffies to be constantly melancholic and easy to fall into depression.


mo’ babbehs = mo’ fun
i love the way people torutre and kill those things

Yeah, but I think Hasbio also had some sort of mental trigger that removed the desire to breed from fluffies they sold. Post-Hasbio fluffy mares that are spayed still desire to be mothers, regardless of whether or not they understand they’re infertile now. The trigger could be like a switch, as there have been stories of mares that were normal until they saw a litter of foals or an episode of Babies! on FluffTV, then switch on they pester their owner to have babies, have them behind the owner’s back, run away to have them, etc. The switch off phrase or imagery could be one of the pieces of information that was lost when Hasbio imploded (depending on headcanon).


Is “Cotton” Even a Mare? O.o And I dont see a notched ear that is the traditional sign of being Spayed/Neutered. So whats the issue here? O.o

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