Cowpie part 6 "WildeFaun"

“Sissy, babbehs am suu biggie now. Dey am biggie stwong babbehs, babbehs an Chip hab biggest heawt huwties an miss ou su su much!”
Chip gently spoke to his sister as her four of her foals absentmindedly crawled around her back.

Ground Round was in the corner keeping the broken unicorn occupied. It has been eating with minimal issues and growing well, though It’s horn is growing at an angle and her left eye has swollen shut, on top of it’s one useless leg.

“Gwound Wound wuv widdwe babbeh su bewwy much!” Being an excellent segregate as none of the other mares wanted to deal with a “Broken Babbeh” chip continued to talk to his unconscious sister until Greg arrived. “Smawty Chip, speshow fwiend wan you at nestie, babbehs nee daddeh.”

Chip gathered up the foals with Ground Round and returned to his nest. “Chip am Backies!” He was greeted with a smile from his mate and a courus of peeps as his three children slowly crawled their way to his voice. He laid on his stomach to pull the trio into a hug and gave them each a lick on the head. This affection caused the babies to erupet into happy chirps.

He was lucky, three boys, all unicorns, each one a pretty color. His favorite, though he’d never say it out loud. They shared his colors but were more bright where his were dark. He cared for the trio of unicorns while his special friend went to releave herself and get food. On her return he set about his nightly duties before returning to snuggle up with his family.

Later that night Chip was woken by one of the fluffies watching the entrances to the greenhouse. “Smawty Chip, Vwoom vwoom munsta am comin!!” The sound of tires on gravel was soon followed by the slamming of doors and the voices of humans.

“The hell are we out here in the middle of the night Al?” The sound of heavy work boots echoed through the greenhouse. “It’s only eight Kid, think of the overtime. All we gotta do is turn off the power and water.” Chip watched them from his nest, the dim fairy lights in the ceiling made the fluffies under the overgrown impossible to spot in the dark.

One human was tall with fuzz on his face, the other not as tall but very broad. " Fuck! What’s that smell?!" They were approaching the herd’s poopy place. “Christ look at all that shit. Fluffies been taking dumps in this fountain.” “I’m gonna hurl!” The tall human came running back into view and the shorter one not long after.

“Calm down kid, breaker and main water valve are in the broom closet this way.” They came closer, Chip here the murmur of fluffies and the quieted peeps of scared foals. He knew not what to do. “Here we are!” The creak of a long closed door being opened followed by the clatter of brooms and mops falling to the floor made one fluffy let out a loud fart as it plastered it’s nest with it’s stool.

“You hear that!?” The tall human turned on a flashlight. “Yes! Now calm down and give me some light, I’ll turn off the water then pull the fuses. Those lights will go out and it’ll be darker then fuck.” A rusty groan shook throughout the green house as the main water valve was turned off.

Chip was staring right at the tall human with the flashlight when he realized it, his sister was right behind that human still bundled in blankets! A heavy click was heard as the fairy lights flickered, the clicks continued as each was switched off and removed from the breaker. “Bwu… Bwuddah… Whewe… Am…” The tiniest voice but Chip heard it, but so did the human, they turned to shine the flash light on the pile of blankets rights as everything went dark.

It was as if hell had been released. First the screams of panicked fluffies, their unatural fear of the dark stripping them of any sense, soon followed by the voiding of bowels. Many of them ran in whatever direction they could, most slamming face first into the glass of the greenhouse walls. One unicorn shouting at his reflection to get out of his way lowered his head to ram full force with his horn.

The moment he did though the glass didn’t give way and his horn was shoved straight into his skull. A crack in the glass formed however and more fluffies running into it causing the wall to shatter and fall upon them cutting them to pieces.

A Pegasus mother jumped up a pile of potting soil bags to a broken window calling back to her young ones to fly to safety as flung herself outside, she landed on all fours but her legs crumpled like tissue, her foals finally making to the top of the pile made their leap. They flew with joy until they plummeted face first onto broken glass and stone tile.

The tall human still holding the flash light sees a wave of sobbing fluffies rush him begging to use his " Bwight Stick" to make them safe. Having around two dozen multi colored horses the size of tea cup pig running at you could have most people in a panic, as he drops the flashlight and stumbles backwards until finally.

“SCREEEHURK!” A horrible scream followed a wet choking noise, he stepped right on top of Chip’s Sister. His foot went right through her chest, the pressure prolapsed her anus and one of her lungs to be pushed out of her mouth. He hopped up and down trying to shake her off his boot. Chip stood there as Fluffies bounced off of him in terror, mouth agape screaming with no sound.


Well, that was a disaster.

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