Creative COCK block

Hey ! Have an idea for a dick creature ? Let me know and I’ll draw it up for ya. I’m a little low in the creative department atm… haven’t “hung” …around with my local bunch of peeps who have me draw the said biological phallus creatures… so have a suggestion for a dick monstrosity, maybe a monster that ignores all scientific research, or maybe just something that loves to num them tiny wittle babbehs. No money involved, CD don’t need your moneys, im not your common whore, just a respectable one.


A mare who is seducing stallions to cut off their dicks, because she needs them for her dick ship.


The Sarlack Pit from Star Wars, but with many phalluses in addition to the vaginal imagery. Some horrific hermaphrodite trying to murder a fluffy Boba Fett.

Apparently he got out of it okay.


All the fuckin’ hearts for this phallic horror!


What looks like an ordinary fluffy (a foal, filly, colt or mare) will suddenly sprout long tentacle dicks whenever a smarty or the likes shows up and goes “Mufufufu… ou be fow enfies nao”. Reverse uno card and one heck of an urban legend spread by those unfortunate to survive the encounter. :smiling_imp:


Fluffy mare that got hyena DNA somehow- sure its a pseudo penis but giving birth through that fits the bill of horrific


Hmm, so many requests… looks like next week will be Dick creature week


That’s some real life horrors right there. The hyena pseudo-phallus I mean. And they’re even larger than the male hyena’s penis. There is a reason the males don’t mess with the females because they can get butthurt in a less than pleasant way if they do. :no_mouth:

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That is an absolutely amazing idea.

Pseudo penis mares, FTW!

Got no ideas, but if you want inspiration. Watch this weird horror movie trailer.

That is a classic, but if you want more phallic creatures, I’d suggest wadzilla, jack brooks monster slayer, and that episode of Rick and morty…


How about a dick-shaped parasite that crawls into a fluffy’s hole (any hole) and lives by slowly eating the flesh around it. At first it’s small and can get into any orifice without problems, but grows as time goes on and ends up blocking and then ripping it apart. It can’t, however, get in it’s host’s mouth because of saliva. What it can get into: urethra, vagina, anus, nostrils, ears.

An alien parasite that replaces the host’s actual dick so it can implant its eggs in mares.

And when the eggs hatch, they devour the mare from the inside out.


four words:





edit: I forgot to add “scatological”

How about a poopie fluffy fortress