Crochet/Amigurumi Fluffy and Jellenheimer (By: PeppermintParchment)

What you’re referring to is known as the “weight” of the yarn. It’s a fancy way of saying “what is the thickness of a single strand of yarn”. Could you look on the package and tell me what weight your yarn is, please?
I used 4 weight yarn, but this could easily be done with 3 weight or higher, depending on how big you want your fluffy to be :slight_smile:

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My first impression of this yarn is that it’s weight might be a bit too small. However, that means your fluffy will only be smaller/thinner than my fluffy, the yarn can still be used! If I knew the weight of your yarn I could tell you for sure.
I also worry about your ability to count stitches with this yarn. However, if you have a clothes pin you won’t HAVE to count stitches, so it won’t matter!

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I wouldn’t use it on the first try don’t worry. ^^’

Currently I can’t since I’m moving this weekend.

But I’m sure there will be multiple with the right weight somewhere in there.

So it basically does not affect if its doable in general but the fluffy will be smaller or bigger depending on weight?

That’s awesome!

Join us! Join us! ^^


The size of your fluffy will be determined by a combination of your yarn weight and your hook size. However, there is a decent amount of room for play of these two measurements don’t line up exactly. I’m making it sound a lot harder than it actually is because I’m getting a little into technicalities, haha. Overall, as long as you have a hook that’s at between 3.75 mm and 5.0 mm, and a yarn weight of 3, 4,or 5, your fluffy will be roughly the same size as mine :slight_smile:
You’ll quickly learn within a few rounds of crocheting whether the size of your fluffy is going to be too big/too small, and then you can decide to start over or keep going and see what happens!
To answer your question in a more straightforward manner, as long as you’re not trying to crochet 7 weight yarn on a 2.0 mm hook or something vastly different in size like that, it should work just fine!

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This is so spectacular! I can’t imagine being so good at crochet. You did a really great job and she looks so pudgy and huggable!

Just the right size to simulate a babbeh for a lonely fluffy, too.

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Thank you! Crocheting stuffed animals truly is very easy to learn, once you get the basic stitches down, so I encourage you to give it a try if you’re even vaguely interested in it.

Thank you for your compliments. I never considered it before, but I bet there would be lots of money to be had if you were to market something like this to lonely or infertile fluffies!

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I’m actually planning on exploring some headcanon/worldbuilding concepts like products for fluffies. Weighted babbeh dolls that chirp and drink from one of those “magic baby bottles,” you get with some real baby dolls, were one of the ideas I had.

Something you could train young breeding mares on so you can learn them out of bad mummah habits, or just a fun baby doll for a young fluffy to play pretend mummah/daddeh, or a frustrated owner could buy a set and maybe their mare will stop asking for babies, etc. :0


Oh, how creative, that sounds really interesting, and I’d like to see more of it! What a great idea for training potential “bad mummah” traits out of a mare without harming any babbehs in the process.

