Cruel Reality 4: Selfish Cruelty (By: GreaverBlade)



Two posts in one day?!



hm. conflicted, luv baby is safe, sad mummah sad.


something about this series gives me a ‘the everyday tragedy’ vibe and the ‘tragedy is comedy’ trope; Cause none of the issues is particularly severe (at Ieast for an emotionaIy mature entity) but they’re everyday occurences occuring to entities with toddIer IeveI inteIIect/maturity. So it reaIIy grinds the misortunate souI that’s sensitive enough to cry over their ice cream meIting. ~chuckIe~

It’s got a nice charm. :slight_smile:


You really hit the nail on the head. I’m trying to capture moments in the life of a creature that’s intelligent enough to understand how much its life sucks. Every day is a fight for survival, for mummah and her babies; a creature who’s time perception of a day is “fowebbah”. Thinking in those terms, I imagine each day is like a lifetime of suffering.


Ambivalence is the most adult emotion.nAll the foals just had their chances of survival go up and yet…


Personally I wouldn’t say it’s sure the blue baby is safe. That human doesn’t seem to have a good opinion of fluffy ponies, and is talking about this as a replacement for a designer fluffy… if the gift doesn’t work out, it could be in a trash can by tomorrow! Ha.

But yeah I like how this is true sadbox, this mare isn’t bad or selfish. It just wants itself and its tiny family to survive in a world that isn’t as sweet and loving as the fluffies were made to be.


I hope mummah sees her blue baby again

Tossed in the trash and forgotten about, too late to save the poor bastard


At least the cruelty is not over the top like all those abuse stories I read about in this community. I hope the blue babbeh gets a good life. Please, don’t let it suffer after being adopted. It’s just a baby who still needs milk.

Well, doesn’t sound like Blue is much safer with the new dad judging by his words.


Wow things keep happening to her, hope indeed that blue kid have a good home and owner.

The amount of concern for Blue has me plotting a story for him. Once I wrap this up, we’ll see where that story goes.


Given the “luck” fluffies usually have, the loss rate is still low.

Sorry, two POSTS in one day.

~harmonica~ I got the, Cruel Reality Side plot Blues~

(Cruel reality blues - is my title suggestion) xD

Even the method he used to pick the foal up doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence that he knows (or cares to know) how to safely handle such absurdly delicate creatures…


Acknowledge and brazenly stolen! Thank you.

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Friend I’m hopeful too, but don’t appeal to morality while begging for non-sad things to happen in an item marked sadbox. Feels counterproductive.


well, at least her other babies love still love her xD

Hahahaha hilarious and great work.

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