Cruel world (InfraredTurbine)


Loser father


“You see Fluffy, thinking that the world is all Huggies and love is actually dangerous. That mindset leaves you completely unprepared for the greyness of existence, that good people can be selfish, that bad things can happen for no reason. What is chaos for the fly is order for the spider and for Fluffies to not only be unaware of the chaos, but to actively ignore it, it’s no wonder your species is so fucking broken and pathetic.”

“……Fwuffy fink mistah need thewapy.”


“You will too once life fucks you over. Too bad you won’t get any.”


You say your babbehs are the “bestest babbehs” then why are you comming up to me begging for food wasting time? if you really loved your babbehs you would be out of this alleyway by now rummaging though trash and trying to get into buildings.

if you aint gonna put in the effort then why should i :shrug:
If i give you food then what, you get complacent you will expect the “nummies” to come to you. prove to your babbehs and to yourself that you even deserve them and go put in the work.


Imagine being a fluffy and not enjoy the wonders of a cigar and a cup of coffee in the morning…

No wonder why abusers want to beat the shit outta the fluffies.

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Oh hey Turbine I thought you died


Oh hey, actually I was still around, but just lurking whenever I had some free time. Let’s say now I’ve got a bit more of free time again xD


Guess this loser dad and his “best” babies could use a good breaking.

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Well that have its “thinking pwace” gears moving.

Love the messy mane texture.

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@infraredturbine Good to see you are still alive and kicking … or rotating … or whatever it is a turbine does. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Happy to see you around still old friend

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Little fucker picks it up expertly in it’s mouth and runs off to some bushes to smoke it, after a few deep drags the fluffy thinks to itself “sucker” and proceeds to vomit everywhere

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Bestest Babies? oh little one, please lead me to your nest so I can give you, your special friend and your bestest babies all the nummies I can give… They are to die for.