Pfurful is easily brought to tears. She may cry if she gets hit, gets scared, or even gets happy. And from the tenderness of seeing the microfluffy, so similar to a foal (and also curly like her fur coat), the scatty-monsa himself ordered to shed tears.
I must admit, I like to draw whining fluffs. These are sincere tears of a pure soul. Those who cry not because of something serious, but because of trivial childhood experiences, when a big and kind adult comes, calms the baby down and everything will be fine.
I love how uncanny that fluffy looks. I’d be terrified of the little bastard if I saw that in real life! The micro is cute though. It’d make a nice cotton ball to wipe those tears away
Pfurful was taken from an abuser who tried to turn a curly horse into a lamb. He almost erased the fur from the legs and muzzle so that now it only grows there, short and almost transparent. He also cut off her tail and formed a new one from leather with curly hair. After Pfurful’s experience, autumn is fearful and nervous. It will take a lot of time for her mental rehabilitation.