Wub Bwockie Chain!
They look like mice.
But the ears and head shape look mouse like.
New Fluffy Token: Somehow not the WORST thing NFT can stand for!
if it was @Foxhoarder making it, it would be Non Functioning Testicle
Its a bleak-box version of Peep Coin by Karn/Princess Purrpaws
FoalOut had the concept and discussed it in discord, which is where I got the idea.
So it’s more the other way around.
Oh damn that’s a great Artstyle
I inspired both drawings with the same suggestion on Discord, “Drawing Suggestion: Foals being used to generate crypto currency with their chirps and peeps, a crypto peeping farm”. One was drawn happy, one was drawn dystopian.
And what are they thinking about while peeping I wonder?
Something lactose-related perhaps?
I foresaw this eventuality
(obliterates foal with a shotgun full of glass shards)
Only marginally worse for the environment
So satisfying to dismantle…