Cweepy Cwawwies! by SnakevsFluffy

You are Prince, a purple earthie fluffy with a pretty red mane.

You had just escaped your meanie daddeh and your stupid brothers and sisters! You had lived in a nice big house where daddeh had treated you all very well. Plenty of playtime, plenty of flufftv, plenty of toys, and plenty of sketties! The bestest of bestest things!

Speaking of bestest, that was you, Prince! You were the bestest fluffy in the whole wide fluffy world! Your mummuh had told you that and all fluffies knew that mummuhs never ever told lies.

She had loved your brothers and sisters too, but she loved you best of all because you were the bestest. That’s how it was and that’s how it always would be.

Anyway, you had just tricked your mean dummeh daddeh and escaped your housie! He didn’t want to get you a speshul friend!

You had explained to his dummeh hoomun head that you NEEDED a speshul friend for good feels, but dummeh daddeh said no.

He said no to you, Prince. The bestest of the bestest.

Well that just wouldn’t stand.

“Pwince gun get outta dis dummeh housie wit dummeh daddeh an find a speshul fwiend!” You said to your bruddas and sissies, all of whom gave you worried looks. None of them had EVER thought of running away from the nice warm housie. But that’s because they just weren’t as smart as you. You were mummuh’s bestest exploring babbeh so you loved to explore. Leaving the housie made perfect sense!

“Bwudda Pwince! Dats a bad thingie to du!” Your sister Princess said with a frown. “Pwace outside housie is bad and meanie! Dats wha daddeh says!”

“Weww daddeh a dummeh. Am smawty Pwince an smawty’s know bettah den aww oudda thingies. Das jus how it is!”

You stomped your hoovsie on the floor, making your siblings jump in surprise.

“Pwince kno best cuz Pwince IS bestest!”

And with that you stomped away, planning your escape.

Every middle of the day time, dummeh daddeh would take you all for a walk. He said it was to keep you healthy but it was not fun! You had to wear a collar around your pretty fluffy neck!

As you all waddled down the sidewalk you suddenly pulled back on the dummeh collar, slipping out of the horrid thing. Then, you ran as fast as your stubbly fluffy legs could carry you, dashing down the street at your dummeh daddeh’s shouts rung in your ears.

“Prince! Prince get back here! It’s dangerous! Come back!”

You looked back and saw that he had fallen on The ground, his legs tangled up in the leashes!

“Hehehehe, dummeh daddeh neba catchies Pwince! Pwince smawty an Pwince gun hab a speshul fwiend!!” You then fired a salvo of bad poopies behind you, covering your tracks.

You were sooooooo smart.

Which brings you back to the present, trotting down the street, your see places darting around, looking for a special friend. “Cum out mawes! Smawty Pwince nee a speshul fwiend! Wiww maek babbehs wit Pwince! Am bestest fwuffy eb-AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!”

Suddenly you plunged into darkness, landing harshly on your poopie place. Shaking your head, you began to cry. “HUHUHUHUHU, wha dummeh gwound go way fwom Pwince?!” You then glanced upward and saw that you had fallen through a hole in the sidewalk. You had heard about these from your mummuh, she told you that they were bad for fluffies and could suck them away into a bad dark place!

“Huuuuuu, nu wike dawkie pwace, nu smeww pwetty.” It didn’t smell pretty at all, in fact it smelled like poopies, really really bad poopies. You looked around, shivering as you felt a stinky cold blast of air hit your pretty fluff. “Huuuuuu, Pwince gotta get outta a smewwy dawkie pwace, fin wawm pwace an speshul fwiend.”

You looked up at the hole you fell through. It was VERY high up, but you HAD to reach it. You knew you could reach it too, you were a smarty after all, and smarties could do anything.

Bracing yourself, you jumped as high as your fat little legs would allow.

You then fell right back on your poopie place.

“Owwie! Dummeh weggies no wowk! Du bettah fo Pwince!”

You then tried again and again and again, each time falling on your poopie place and giving it mean owwies! You panted and wheezed. This wasn’t working at all!

“Stupi dummeh weggies! Hatchu hatchu hatchu!”

You looked back and forth, seeing two VERY darkie holes that led to….well, anywhere but here. You glanced upwards to the light. So close yet so far. It wasn’t fair! Why couldn’t you reach the bright place?!

“Huuuuu, no choices but tu go down dawkie howe……huuuuu, scawy….”

You then toddled down the hole, your fluffy little body tensing up as things got darker and darker. It was getting tougher to see. You felt your hoofsie step in something icky and soft……it didn’t smell pretty at ALL.

You grumbled to yourself. “Stupi daddeh. Dis his fawt….shouwda gibbin Pwince speshul fwiend wike Pwince ask fo. Now Pwince gotta go wook fo speshul mawe in dummeh dawkie smewwy howe.”

Soon, you were in complete darkness. You were really scared……fluffies weren’t supposed to be in the dark, they were supposed to be in bright places with toys and nummies and friends….

Like you used to have. Well, until your dummeh daddy ruined it all. This was all his fault.

“When Smawty Pwince fin speshul fwiend, Pwince gonna get biggest bestest hewd eba, den go back tu dummeh daddeh and maek him gib Pwince skettis and toysies awwwwwwww da timesies! Gib dummeh daddeh sowwy hoofsies if he nu du dat.”

The thought of dummeh daddeh at your purple hooves, begging you for forgiveness as you bopped him on the nose with your super duper fluffy strength kept you going as you trudged through the pitch black void. It was quiet, very quiet. That scared you, but since you didn’t hear anything that also meant there were no monsters around, right? You were very sure that’s how that worked. No sound, no monsters.

It was just like you if you covered your see places with your hoofsies, it made things vanish forever!

Speaking of see places, you squinted yours. You could see a bright place!

You dashed towards it, ignoring the icky smelly stuff on the ground. “Pwince see bwight pwace! Pwince fin outie pwace!”

Well, sorta.

You found yourself underneath another hole, much like the one that dropped you into this terrible smelly darkie place.

Your heart sank from really bad heart hurties. You thought you had gotten out! You thought you had escaped. It……it wasn’t fair….


You tried leaping up for the light once again, only to fall back down on your poopie place.

“Huuuu huuu huuuuu, pwease mistuh howe, pwease wet Pwince out of da smewwy dawkie pwace! Pwince du anyting tu go uppies! Am gud fwuffy!” You blinked slowly at the light, tears starting to form in your large eyes. You didn’t want to beg, but you were so tired……you had never walked this far in your pampered little life. You couldn’t imagine going onwards a single step further. “Pweeeaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeee???”

Still no response.

Then you got an idea. It had always worked with your daddeh when you wanted something. Well, until your daddeh became a dummuh meanie daddeh.

“Wook bwight pwace! Pwince am dancie fwuffy!” You sat up on your poopie place and began to wiggle back and forth as fast as you possibly could, waving your chubby leggies in the air. You bet you looked so cute and talented! Your mummuh had always told you how talented you were. You were the most talented fluffy who ever fluffied. “Dancie dancie dancie! Pwince du a dancie. Dancie dancie dancie, Pwince du da fwuffy dance! Dancie dancie danice….uhhhhhh……Pwince bestest dancie fwuffy, yay!”

You panted and wheezed, exhausted from your amazing dance moves and fantastic singing abilities. Drool trickled from your nummie place as you tried to get sweet air into your lungs.

“Huff……huff……see……dat……bwight pwace? Am……huff……bestest dancie fwuffy………bwing up into wight nowsies?”

No answer.

“P-pwease? It………am coed and scawed……wan be wawm and nu scawed……”

Still no answer.

You snapped.


You stomped and bucked and kicked with all your might! Your super strong smarty might! You kicked the walls, the smelly floor, the yucky puddles and the crunchy thingy!!!

Wait, crunchy thingy?

You looked down to see that you had stomped on a large brown buggy! It was wiggling in hurties, icky white boo boo wawa leaking out of it before it went still.

“Ewwwww, Pwince step on yucky icky buggy! Get off hoofsie!” You wriggled your leggie around, hoping to get the gross stuff off your pretty hoof. “Stupi buggy get unda Pwince’s hoofsie….sowwy buggy, nu mean tu gib foweba sweepies……” As gross and yucky as the buggy was, you still felt some heart hurties about it. You didn’t mean to give it forever sleepies….

“Huuhuuuuuu, Pwince……Pwince wan gu homesies……fin speshul fwiend anudda bwight time….wan nummies and wawm bwankie….”

Then, you heard a noise. A strange noise, in fact. You looked over to see another brown buggy come out of a gross looking hole in the wall, its leggies making noises in the bad wawa dripping from the hole.

Approaching it, you thought that maybe IT knew a way out of this meanie place. After all, it lived here. You smiled at your cleverness. You were SUCH a smart fluffy.

“Hewwo brown buggy fwiend!” You greeted it with a wave of your hoofsie. It didn’t answer, but it did look up at you. “Am Pwince, a gud fwuffy! Buh Pwince wost in dawkie peace, nee fin bwight pwace agin, kin buggy fwiend hewp Pwince get out an gu bak homesies?”

One again, the buggy didn’t answer, but you could have SWORE you saw it nod its tiny little head, right before it scuttled back. “Tank yu, new fwiend! Pwince wait hewe fo yu tu get hewp!.” You plopped back on your fluffy little bottom and began to wait, happy that you would soon be out of this awful place and back in your nice housie with your brothers and sisters.

After a few minutes, you began to wonder where you new friend had gone. He had been gone for……well, longer then you would have liked. Glancing around, you began to feel the creeping dark tunnel leering at you, as if the darkness itself was a living creature, wanting to gobble you up!

“Huuuuu, pwease cum bak, new fwiend……Pwince am gettin scawed agin……wan go homesies….” Then, your new friend popped up again, scuttling back from the tunnel. “Hewwo new buggie fwiend! Cum bak to hewp Pwince outta dawkie howe?” Suddenly you noticed that he had brought more friends with him.

A lot, actually.

There were……you think daddeh used to say this word a lot, hun-hon-hin-hun-der-ends? Yeah, hundreds of new friends, all brown and buggie like your new buggie friend. “Hewwo new fwiends! Yuu aww gonna hewp Pwince outsies? Tank yuu tank yuu tank yuu! Show Pwince way outt-”

Then they all used their flappy wingies to leap on you! You yelped in surprise and shock as you felt their tiny mouths nibbling on your fat fluffy flesh! Crying out, you shook and bucked as hard as you could, flinging some of the buggies off of you before you backed up. “Wh-why buggie fwiends huwt Pwince?! Pwince nu du nuttin wongsies! Nu huwt Pwince! Pwince am gud fwuffy!”

Instead of stopping however, even more of them lept on you and gave you owwies! Panicking, you wobbled down the tunnel, frantically trying to shake off as manny of the meanie buggies as you could, thoughts racing through your tiny little mind. Why were they hurting you? You were a good fluffy, you didn’t deserve this?! You weren’t nummies, why were they numbing you?!

Every now and then you looked back. Even in the darkness you could see the swarm chasing you. They seemed to be going faster, or were you going slower? Either way, they were getting closer and closer. You had the biggest scardies you had ever had in your little life. This wasn’t nice, this was horrible!!!

Then you saw it.

“Bwight pwace!!!”

You could see and exit to the dark place! It was just up ahead! You were almost out! You were almost free! Soon you’d be back with your brothers and sisters! Your toysies! Your sketti! Your daddeh!!!

You reached the end of the tunnel, feeling the warm sun hit your pretty purple fluff, feeling the relief of freedom!

“Ha! Dummeh buggies! Pwince tu fast an smawt! Pwince am be-”

Then you tripped.

You felt your smell place hit the ground, giving it hurties. Then you felt the buggies on you. All of them, so MANY of them. You wriggled and screamed and shook, but they just kept coming, weighing you down, biting and clawing at you. Soon you couldn’t move, both from the weight and the horrible pain.


Suddenly, the buggies began to fill your mouth, muffling your desperate screams. They filled your lungs, your nose, your organs,


You began to swell with buggies. Feeling them writhing inside you. Eating you. Consuming you.

Pretty soon, all you WERE was buggies.


Hey everybody! I’m back! Well, maybe!

Honestly I just got burned out of these little creatures so I needed to take a long hiatus. But I thought I’d get back on the horse (ha ha ha ha) and start writing and checking the community out again. I’m kinda rusty, so I feel like this story wasn’t up to my usual standards, but I had fun writing it and I hope you’ll have fun reading it!


Ahhh, such a satisfying ending. Another “good” fluffy shows his true colours. Though I can’t help picturing the bugs wearing Prince’s skin home to Daddeh’s house like Edgar in Men In Black.


I can see it being a Herd trojan horse (hehehe( for any potential herd thst ventures into the sewer


That would be awesome. Imagine scores of roach-filled Trojan fluffies devouring herds from within.

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I will say, Prince wasn’t a FULL smarty yet. He could have been redeemed had he escaped.

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Oh god, that would be creepy as hell


Whatever he called himself, he was a bad fluffy. Now he’s a skin suit!