Daddeh Fwuffs Wast Babbeh! (Pastry_Knight)


“This one’s got a IittIe fight in it.” :slight_smile:

“Iets see how Iong it takes to get it out of him.”


Is this related to the bug-a-salt stuff idk why just gave off that vibe

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This is not intended as something for bug-a-salt, but I do understand, it was originally supposed to be bug-a-salt related then the expression got away from me but it was good so it became this rather than me just rubbing the face out and starting again.


this is the next scene in bug-a-salt need to do a few more so this is just a sneak peek.


Cuz i did sorta think it was like the mare defending the blind foal but the more i think of it the more i didn’t make sense cuz there was still some foals left.

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also I usually do stallions with spiky hair and mares with curly hair.


Also i wonder if that foal is still alive or its like a situation similar to this


a very similar situation, that pretty much inspired what I did with them, I wanted something to puff out a smarty babbehs cheeks even more and that seemed good


I’ll keep that in mind and thsts a nice way to differentiate adults with a sense of dimorphism… minus the lumbs and other parts ofc.

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Oh thats cool so the foal is probably still alive but it probably has its rectum sticking out from the pressure and probably cant move or talk but still breathe but is fully aware or concious
Also sorry for the many replies :sweat_smile:

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He cant produce milk. Baby will starve instead.

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Welp hes dead

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Press X to doubt

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Yes I am

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he doesn’t know how wrong he is

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This sure sets my prey drive off somethin’ fierce

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He’s a good daddeh, but this will still end badly for both of them.