Dah Enfie-Mawes am Wequiwed bai Hewd Waw (by fluffysomething)

Flower is a fluffy! A fluffy filly, to be exact! Flower lives in a big herd, with her mummah, and her sisters and brothers, and all the other fluffies!

But, in recent bright-times, more fluffies are going forever-sleepies by humans and monsters and tummy-hurties faster than new fluffies can be made!

Smarty noticed this, because… Smarty is smart. Smarty said that every mare and filly has to be trained to give special-huggies until the herd has more fluffies in it again.

Special-huggies sound fun! Huggies are nice, so special-huggies must be the bestest!

Flower’s mummah, Grass, waddles over to her. She’s making saddies! “Babbeh, ‘ou big nao… Smawty wan’ 'ou tu hab speshuw-huggies nao… Babbeh tuu widdwe, huu-huu…” Grass cries, hugging Flower and lowering her head.

Why mummah cry? Mummah needs happies!

“Mummah, nu cwy! Speshuw-huggies sound wike bestesh huggies, Fwowew wub huggies!” Flower giggles, hugging Mummah back and smiling up at her. Grass is quiet, then nods, going away to eat grassies.

Mummah’s tummy is bigger now! But, that just means softer huggies!

Flower and other fillies are sitting by a old box the Smarty stands on when he has something important to make talkies about.

“Hewd nee’ mowe babbehs! Giw’ fwuffies maek babbehs! Mawe teech 'ou be bestesh enfie-fwuffies!” And, another fluffy trots onto the box.

“Hewwo! Namesie am Wewwoh. Wike pwetty cowow! Wewwoh nu cawe if 'ou poopie fiwwy, ow wingie fiwwy, ow nu-weggie fiwwy. 'Ou aww hab maek babbehs, ow 'ou nu be in hewd nu mowe!” Some of the fillies just started eating Big Fluffy food, and others are almost mare. Flower’s in the middle – almost big, but still acting like a babbeh most of the time.

“Wha? Wemon nu wike…” Flower’s bestest friend, Lemon, whines. Yellow just gives her sorry-hoofsies.

“Shuddup! 'Ou big babbeh, 'ou nu cwy! Nao, we tawk ‘bout wai stawwions bettuh. Stawwions desewbe speshuw-huggies, eben if mawe say nu. Stawwions big an’ stwong, we aww wisten.” Yellow says, as some of the fillies seem confused. Smarty just nods, though.

Yellow keeps going on and on. Some fluffies may be less pretty, or scary, but mares and stallions are the same! That’s dummy talk to say otherwise!

Once Yellow is done, the fillies play with the rest of the babies. Very fun!

“Wemon nu wike Wewwoh dummeh. She meanie fwuffy.” Lemon complains, sitting on her haunches with Flower.

“She maek dummeh tawkies, ebewy fwuffy gud. Wha Smawty doin’ wif big babbehs?” Flower nods, suddenly perking up to look over in the distance. Smarty is taking almost-mares, and giving them to stallions. Weird.

That’s funny. Well, Flower and Lemon can play!

Flower is bigger now. Flower has to see this Yellow mare every day, and she’s still not convinced with her poopies-talk. Lemon is getting into it, however. Lemon’s the last fluffy she thought would listen to that, but she is.

“Smawty hab tawkies! 'Ou aww awmosh-mawes nao, 'ou get speshuw-fwends dis bwite-tiem! Come, 'ou get speshew-fwends!” Smarty leads them to a group of stallions. They sniff and walk around the almost-mares, looking and tapping them with their hooves.

Flower feels like one of those hoomin shows with the pretty drawings, but in a bad way. Every almost-mare is getting taken, even ones that look much too young to have special-friends. Flower getting carried off by a stallion named Mint. Mint trots to his nestie, pushes her, moves her leggies, and-

“Huwties! Huwties! Pwease nu huwt speshuw-pwace! Nu wan speshuw-huggies, nu wan speshuw-huggies!”

He’s stopped. However, there’s an icky feeling in Flower’s tummy. Like… tickles, but on the inside. Icky.

Flower runs to see her friend, Lemon.

“Huu-huu… Min’ gib bah speshuw-huggies, nu wan…”

“Wemon jus’ fink stawwions be stawwions. Nu can hewp it… Wemon jus’ sweepies, Owange gib speshuw-huggies, tuu…”

Lemon sighs, plopping her head down on Flower’s body.

Everything would be eaiser if Flower was a tiny filly again, or even a chirpy-baby. But, at least she has Lemon.

Every time Flower visits Lemon, she has hurties. But, she makes up things that don’t sound quite true.

“Wemon num bah nummies, dat wai maek sickie-wawa.”

“Wemon twip obuh weggies, dat wai weggie bwoken.”

“Wemon babbeh nu watch whewe wus goin’, get steppies. Wemon fauwt, Wemon bad mummah.”

Lemon is so saddies! Lemon always wants to sleep, which Flower gets. Flower should come to her nestie and see what’s wrong!

Flower waddles over, and…


Lemon is laying in her own poopies and sickie-water. Boo-boo juice is dripping from her mouth, the crimson liquid all over her pale yellow fluff and lime green mane. Beside the rapidly-cooling fluffy, there’s berries.

Those are tummy-hurtie berries! If fluffies eat them, they get the worstest hurties!

But, Flower notices something else. There’s boo-boo juice coming from Lemon’s special-place, along with tiny, unformed babies.

Flower runs away, sobbing the whole way back. She’s only ‘comforted’ by more special-hugs, one that she always never wants.

She feels the icky feeling again. She knows it’s tummy-babies. Her special-friend always hurts her, and within the hour of Lemon taking forever-sleepies, her special-friend has a new young mare.

She needs to go find nummies.

Hopefully some berries.


Burn theeeeeeeem allll

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I like this, good to see such cruelity and bleakness in a herd. I hope Flower fails to kill herself though and has to live through the shitty, bleak reality.

Any chance of a sequel where it all gets even worse for them and no happy ending for Flower?


I plan on a sequel, but I have horrible writer’s block so it might take a bit

update: the sequel™️ is up

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