Dah Mystewy Fwesh Pit Encountews! [FFE4864] (By Biorb_McBiorb)

The Mystery Flesh Pit Natural Disturbance Log.

[Log: FFE 4864]


Today, two children from Touring Group B noticed movement of multicolored blobs making their way towards a restricted area. After Ranger’s told them not to worry, and that the problem was going to be taken care of, they informed their Supervisors and were informed to simply allow the intrusion to continue, and that it was being observed for further study of “natural” wildlife interaction and the local fauna.

After the group had finished their tour, the ranger’s on duty made their way over to the opening where the bio-creatures made their way in, and sealed it. Making sure that nothing else would enter, or leave.

You had waddled so long, and now Smarty wanted to go through the scary fencie-place to get to new land! You were just so tired… Carying your oldest on your back, and carying tummeh-babbehs was so much stress…

Sometimes you really wished you had listened to Daddeh and stayed home.

“Otay hewd! Dis am gud pwace fow hewd! Nao am Smawty wand!” You and every single Mummah sighed relief as you plopped down onto the ground, not too hard of course! Didn’t want to hurt those tummeh babbehs!

As you plopped down, your oldest foal, Sky, hopped off of you and began to explore the new land that Smarty had claimed for the herd.

“Nu gu tuu faw babbeh! Stiww nyu tu Smawty’s wand, nu knu ib munsta’s neawby…” You said, being completely ignored as Sky trotted off and met with his friends to go fully explore.

‘Weww, if Smawty say dis am gud pwace, den nu nee’ tu wowwy tuu muchies.’ You thought as you rolled over onto your side, letting you very large belly bask in the sunlight.

As you lulled about in the sun, you began to feel the ground underneath you wiggle a bit! Like the ground wanted to give you huggies! So, like any good Fluffy, you rolled back onto your belly, and hugged the ground!

You hope Smarty’s Land liked you as much as you liked it!


‘Uh-oh… Dat’s nu a gud noisie!’ you thought as you turned to where the sound came from.

It was your Smarty, Butter, and his toughies lined up to face the… The…


at 17:34, the Fluffies were seen encountering one of the least hostile of the entities that call the Flesh-Pits home. Footage also shows 3 small blobs of color being chased a bit aways by multiple █████.

Footage shows a Ingrown-Hare had burrowed and pried open a hole in the gate, allowing the Fluffies access to their first visitors. the Children of the Fungus.

see information on the Children of the Fungus

Thanks to the docile nature of the Children, the Fluffies were in no danger as of yet, but the idea, thanks to Supervisor █████ █████, gave way to the interaction of the Milk Fungus, and how it would interact with the Fluffies insides.

Supervisor █████ █████ has been demoted, as of this report, and is assigned to ████████████████████

Information on the Milk Fungus

Supervisor █████ request for the remains to either be taken, or the area quarantined.

You watched as Butter bravely stood between you and the Munstas… You were so scared! They were so spooky!

They weren’t bigger then you or the toughies, but they were still so scary!

You hid behind your hooves hoping for the Munsta’s to leave or go forever sleepies!

“TOUGHIES BACK 'WAY! Weabe dem be!”

‘Wha?! weabe?’ You thought as you rose from your expert hiding spot. You watched the Munsta’s get a bit closer then…

“Munsta’ fings wan huggies? Hmm… Otay. Buddah gib huggies!”

You watched as Butter was the first to hug the strange thing, wrapping around the small colorless frame of the creature…

You were so scared! That thing didn’t deserve huggies! It was a Munsta! It was going to-…


Sure enough you saw them, wobbling around the legs of the creature… They were so small… So cute! Still weird, but… CUTE!

“Babbehs! Su wiewd, buh su cute! C-can Mummah see Munsta’s Babbehs?”

You waddled over to the munsta, hoping for a response. Only to be met with it backing up a bit to let it’s Babbehs be seen! They looked like Sky, but without the head and wingies… A-and the front weggies… And the see-pwaces…

“W-weww aww babbehs am gud babbehs! hewwo pwetty munstah babbehs!” you said, scooping up one of the closer ones.

It was strange and small, but it wiggled around in your fluff! He was just like Sky when he was a babbeh!

just as you were about to give the Munstah babbeh back to it’s Mummah, you realized it and most of the herd were walking away!

“w-whewe Hewd goin?” you asked, watching as some of the Mummah’s were waddling by as well.

One finally answered your question thankfully.

“Smawty say dat Munstah fwends weadin dem sumpwace!su hewd fowwow Smawty!”

“Oh!” That was a good idea! Plus you still had the Munstah-Mummah’s babbeh! You needed to give them backsies!

“Sky! Cum tu Mummah! Nee’ tu weabe!” you called out, quickly seeing Sky already rushing back with his friends towards you.

“Dewe ‘ou awe Sky! Gud spwowin’ Babbeh! Cum 'wong! Gun gu wiff nyu Munsta Fwends! Dey takin hewd sumpwa-”

“Mummah! N-need tu weabe! peep! Munstah! W-wots ob Munstahs!” Sky yelled cutting you off.

“Wha? Wha mean Babbeh? Munstah wook wike dis?” You said holding up the small Babbeh Thing.

"Nu! peep! B-buh wook kinda wike dat! W-wook scawy! chiwp!"

“Weww… Cum 'wong wiff hewd, Hewd gu sumepwace sabe!” You explained to Sky, letting him crawl up to your back.

You set the Munstah babbeh up there too, just so it wont get lost! While Sky is at first a bit scared of it, he quickly finds out he really like to hug it!

What a gud Babbeh!

The Rangers watched from the drone as shockingly the Children had begun leading the Fluffies to what could only be either a Milkshroom hive, or an opening to the pit that was undiscovered, or not already on the current opening maps.

The idea of another opening being made was already fear enough, but with the introduction of the Fluffies being added made thing unpredictable.

After following the Herd and the Children for a little while, the Rangers reported a ‘genuine sense of relief’ as they saw the tell tale white caps of the Milkshroom Hive.

Ranger █████ went on record, and joked “Well at least this will all take care of itself now!”

Ranger █████ was reminded of the actual threat to the Pit and it’s staff, and was later █████

You and the herd watched and saw as the Munsta’s showed you all the pretty nummie-pwants!

They looked strange, but they had miwkies!

Su many miwkies that you could let Sky and his new Munstah Fwend get miwkies together!

Letting down the two, you watched as Sky joined the other foals that were already placed onto the Nummie-Pwants, beginning to suckle along with them!

You and the rest of the herd looked all around the strange place, seeing weird plants and other Munstah-Fwends!

You played with the Munstah Babbehs that had already gotten their miwkies, and watched how the Munsta-Fwends took care of their babbehs!

The only strange thing that didn’t make too much sense to you was the big red hole. You realized the Miwkie-Pwants all went into a circle, all around the hole!

You pondered why their was a hole to begin with, but you really couldn’t figure out what that red-wawa was!

It smelled like boo-boo juice. But not… Quite?

It looked like Wawa, but more… Miwkie?

You really wrapped your brains aroudn the idea for a long time (two minutes) and finally decided that this place was, for the most part, safe!

“MUMMAH, MUMMAH! PEEP! HEWP! F-fewp… ewp…”

“Sky?! Mummah cumin’ babbeh!” You yelled, hearing your Babbeh cry in pain.

You ran thought the herd that was gathering around where your Babbeh was crying from and…


Sky was… Was so… You didn’t even have the words to describe it. He looked like melted ice cream Daddeh used to share with you… There was boo-boo juice mixed into his fluff, and his see-pwaces were all miwkie and melted…

The skin that hadn’t melted away was scabbed over, crusted and damp with pussy filled boo-boo juice.

felt your sided ache with pain, the sheer shock of Sky’s… Current state… was just too much!

It was horrific, it was absolutely terrifying…

Your sight snapped away from your son to see one of the Munsta Babbehs, still suckling on the teat of the Nummie-Pwant, your brain working overtime to try and figure out why he wasn’t like Sky!

Why wasn’t he getting hurties?!

You snapped back to sky, now a half-melted puddle, and you scooped him in you arms… You felt his backside give away, falling to the ground as his Tummeh-Sketti, what wasn’t already mush or melted, flopped out of him… leaving a puddle underneath him.

You cried, you screamed, and begged for Sky to get better, only ever stopping your begging to catch air.

The moment you got air in your little lungs you cried, and cried, soon hearing the choir of other Mummah’s who had let their Foals suckle from the meanie Nummeh-Pwant…

As the Smarty and the other Stallions tried to calm you and the other mothers down a loud, thunderous noise came from the hole in the center of the Nummie-Pwant place.

Your eyes, still filled with tears, watched as hoards of new creatures came out of ████ █████ ███ █████ ████ █████ █████ █████████ ████ ███ ██ █████ ███████ █████████ ████ ███ ███████ ████████ ███ ███ █████ ███ ██████ ██ █████ █████ ██ ██████ ████████ ███ ██████ ██ █████ ███████

Ranger █████ was instructed to report the new opening in the area. request stronger, more defensible barricades, and was later █████.

File has been requested for archival, and has been processed.


Full disclosure, i really want feedback on this, as a possible series, if it flops, eh who cares, but fr any input would be appreciated.


I’m somewhat familiar with the Mystery Flesh Pit, and I love this. (I spend too much time watching things like analogue horror.) The way the babies melted was creepy as hell.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the odd word in the large redacted chunks. It always increases the uncanniness of the section.

Would read more!


Thank you! Im not too good with the redacted, but i didn’t want it to be like “bruh _________ and she _______ like a frog _____ my _____ nokia” Cus i felt it sounded wierd, meanwhile gov. papers got ROW after row of redacted shit in games so i just kinda went with that, but i’ll save that for next time!


I just mean, like, one or two words here and there. It can do a lot. :slight_smile:




Damn, you tried the analog horror route, its great and very indept observation of its natural habitat and other creatures in it.

the redacted notes on the report adds the good mystery touch to it.


I noticed only one typo, and that is pussy. Other than that, really well done.


Back in 2021 when I was basically bedridden I got really into Mystery Flesh Pit Park so this was a fun read for me! Poor Mummah gave the munstahs the benefit of the doubt because all babbehs are good babbehs and ended up having her foal made into flesh stew.


I remember the 7/4/2007 incident very clearly. I was watching TV when there was a breaking-news announcement covering the disaster.
Kent Brockman was the anchor.


interesting idea, but i’m wondering why the report parses as paramilitary? little of the presence in and around the PBSO was particularly militarized until anodyne was restructured following the ‘07 disaster, at which point school groups wouldn’t have been allowed near the pit

I like this kind of weird shit. I’m very familiar with the flesh pits…

This has some really great potential to be a great series.

Now please continue, I’d like to read more

Unfortunately… i work as a merc so … kill on sight does apply here and use of fire is highly recommended… and don’t try to nuke it

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