Dark Nestie - Part 4 [Malkavian]

I’ve been procrastinating!!!

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Part 1


“speshuls fwend found nummies?”
“dank ou speshial fwen…uh? were nummies??”
“taste su pwetty!”
yeah thats a smartie special friend for ya


“Hello little baby, my how cold and Fluffless you are. Silly thing, let’s get you inside.”

It’s quite nice in its own dimheaded way, dad doesn’t discriminate


Last panel made me chuckle. Tasteful dark comedy. Well-earned.

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Irony: Because the snake is full, he’s probably safe. Well, at least from being snake food. Well, at least THAT snake.

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Poor dumb bastard. He seems like he would have been a very loving daddeh.

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I think the funniest part is he thinks the baby is smart because it got out of its mother so soon.

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