Dark time thoughts [Thebitz]

Coco stirred slowly from the fluff pile, pulling away from his family slowly, strutting away for a moment. His stomach made a little gurgle as he sprinted to the litter box, barely making it in time to make good poopies. Just as the little foal was about to kick litter over it he paused, eyes staring at his family, sleeping cozily in their fluffpile, all their pretty colours snuggled up together. He then glanced down, at his own fluff and then back at the poopies he had just made, they were the same colour.

His mummah loved him, or so she said but he knew that was a lie, if she truly loved him then why was he brown? Why was he a poopie?! She gave birth to him afterall, why didn’t she make him a good colour like red? Or at least make him a pointy babbeh! Coco huffed and puffed but he kept to himself, knowing that waking his family wouldn’t help, they would just tell bim their lies about how much the loved him.

His heart filled with hatred at the happy family but soon it turned inwards into depression. If his mummah, if his family didn’t love him then who would? The nice lady that brings his mummah nummies? No, she said she was just taking care of you until you got adopted by a new mummah or daddeh. But that was another lie! Who would adopt a gross coloured babbeh? Who would adopt a poopie?

Starting to sniffle softly as he worked himself up Coco scooted into the corner of the pen his family called their home. His mind raced as he thought about it. What was a fluffy without love? They were nothing, just a souless, joyless being waiting until something gave them forever sleepies, a horrible life. So, Coco reasoned, why not get it over with?

Sobbing to himself silently he pulled a few blockies over, stacking them with quivering hooves, he always was the best at stacking them but now his sister would be. Making a little staircase the tiny brown foal climbed atop it, flopping onto the curved top of the plexiglass wall that made up his home.

“Wan die…” He mumbled softly, trying to convince himself to do it, to both end his misery and remove a disgusting poopie from the world. “WAN DIE!!” He screamed put, once again trying to draw the energy he needed. What he didn’t notice however was the stirring ball of pink fluff behind him, his mummah waking up at the commotion.

“BABBEH?!” She cried out at seeing her foal hanging halfway over the clear edge. Her screech however startled the little colt and with a 'SCREEEE!!!" He jumped forwards, startled and that was all it took to send him plummeting to his doom.

As Coco fell he cried out. “MUMMAHHHHH…SABE BABBE-” And with a final crunch his life was ripped from him, his last thought being ‘Wan Live…’ His death was mercifully quick but he was left a bloody smear on the floor for his mother to stare at all night long.


dear god was the foal a downer?


I haven’t decided if downers or anything similar exist in my headcanon so really up to the reader.


He was a peepee poopoo baby, and nobody wants one of those.

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I know I am overanalyzing,but fluffies are incapable of thinking that life has things that are no one’s fault ,this poor guy suffered because of his own self loathing blaming his loved ones for things they did not cause and they even tried to give him love and he did not accept it.

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What a selfish, bad baby. Not only did he refuse to be born a better color, he also rejected the love that he was given in spite of being a selfish, bad, stinky peepee poopoo baby. This bad baby is so bad that he even gives me heart hurties!


He was certainly a dummeh.


Fucking edgelord foal.

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That little shit made himself some suicide stairs



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