Dashe and Angel (By: Shadysmarty) (Fluffybooru id: 19270)


Context and Commentary

Original post link not available to archive.ph. More information from the creator or community, especially about Angel, would be appreciated.

According to the tags, Angel was the 15th member of Funkshire’s “Funk’s foals”. This may mean Shadysmarty participated in that contest for this foal, but whether Shady won the contest or not, I wouldn’t know (Funk’s Foals is on DNP currently)

I hope the rest of the Funk’s Foals contest entries make it on here someday. Some of them drew in really amazing entries.

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They should be. I feel the real problem is if we can post Funkshire’s foals itself, which gave the most context. It was one of the last things that Wetfluff had to delete on the booru due to Funkshire asking to be on DNP.

Shadysmarty’s Scootaloo was always one of my favorites. Despite her size, she was smart and brave–she managed to escape from Rainbow Dash and make her way on her own for a bit. I know she’d fallen in with Jezebel, but the cannibal fluff was letting her live for some reason, I don’t remember if that was ever resolved.

Rainbow Dash got hers, I remember that. Steroid injections are bad for fluffies, who knew?

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Scoofafluff was NOT very smart, lol. Twixie even says as much in chapter 3.

I don’t think a fluffy is the best judge of another fluffy’s intelligence.

If you look at what Scoots actually does, she’s pretty smart. Just the fact the she manages to survive living with Dash as long as she does indicates that she’s no ordinary fluffy.

She may be naive, but she’s not stupid.

Is the blue mare a standard sized fluffy, and the psychotic grey one a mini-fluffy, and the yellow one a foal or microfluffy? I love the artwork.

That’s kinda mess up. One would think fluffies won’t like others who murder babies but well… for tastes flavors I suppose.

Dashie is huge, and a genetic abnormality. Her wings also work.

A family that kills together stays together.