Date night with Avocado (Artist: Carpdime) (FB id: 27318)

27318 - artist:carpdime eating hungry little_avocado safe sexy_girls_and_fluffies sketties who_am_nice_wady woman


The last image that Carpdime drew of Avocado as an adult, and the last chronological appearance of Avocado in “classic” Avocadoverse canon, which is during 2014 to 2016. At the time of this story, the woman in the picture was not yet named, which factored into my decision to name her “Amber” in Chapter 5 of my story of Avocado. . It could be inferred that Mark and Amber are dating by this point in the story.

This image would later be redrawn by @Fluffus which can be seen here: Avocado Tribute (Fluffus)

Not long after this image, Carpdime drew his last picture of Avocado during the “classic” period, which was a Christmas picture of him as a foal.

It’ll be a while before I get to this part of the story, but uploading it for the sake of the upcoming Avocadoverse index.


OI !
Back on the floor you and no sketties for the next 2 weeks !

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I’ll have to come up with a good reason why Avocado did this, but I think he was really, really hungry. And knowing Amber (and Mark), I think they’ll just settle for different dish.

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Or just a pet used to getting his own way.
I’ve seen cats so spoiled they are allowed to swipe food right of a plate.
Avocado in the end is still a fluffy with fluffy needs and impulses.

I stil think “sketties” is fluffspeak for food they really really like and not actual sketties.

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I like to think it was caused because Avo was sick (something minor) and given a steroid to help get over it. A common side-effect is lack of control and increase appetite.


Thats a nice idea! I might consider it. If I do, I’ll credit you for it, @Aurix

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My years back working as a vet assistance finally paid off! not counting the hundreds of animals I helped along the way


I guess somebody gonna get a punishment.

He’s just playing a good ol’ fashion game of hungry, hungry Avocado.

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I really loved Fluffus’ take on this picture!

I think Avocado got a little too excited when Amber offered him a bit of her dinner!

On the original design, this was the follow up “date” after the beach meeting. There wasn’t an idea of a follow-up at the time so I am quite happy to see how the story had played out so far in the new stories.


That works. Learning experience for everyone!

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She nicer then me I’d back hand my fluffy and keep eating

That’s because Amber knows Avocado quite well. In the original canon, she was starting to date Avocado’s owner, and in my stories, I depicted her as a teacher who had been involved in Avo’s education for most of his life.

Really, if someone puts fluffies and spaghetti in the same room and doesn’t expect the obvious thing to happen, they’re an idiot.

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“Not MY fluffy!”

Or a new owner/person who doesn’t believe the stories.


That’s like not believing that dogs lick their own bollocks!

Given how things are these days? I’m sure there are people who have spent years o their lives not interacting with dogs, cats, etc. Especially in cities.


Yeah, but dogs licking their nads is something everyone knows dogs do. Like drinking from the toilet. Or barking at the mailman. Or pissing on fire hydrants.

I’ve lost faith in common sense and common knowledge. I now question if common sense ever actually existed, or can survive in an era where folks have so little in common.

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