The last image that Carpdime drew of Avocado as an adult, and the last chronological appearance of Avocado in “classic” Avocadoverse canon, which is during 2014 to 2016. At the time of this story, the woman in the picture was not yet named, which factored into my decision to name her “Amber” in Chapter 5 of my story of Avocado. . It could be inferred that Mark and Amber are dating by this point in the story.
This image would later be redrawn by @Fluffus which can be seen here: Avocado Tribute (Fluffus)
Not long after this image, Carpdime drew his last picture of Avocado during the “classic” period, which was a Christmas picture of him as a foal.
It’ll be a while before I get to this part of the story, but uploading it for the sake of the upcoming Avocadoverse index.