Oh, this is interesting, fluffies working. I like them, not just whining and shitting, there actually being productive. I hope nothing bad happens to these guys.
Always loved the idea of industrial fluffies!
Oh it’s like a continuation of acorn’s story, but since then, more poopie babbehs have discovered the garden and asked to stay
Thats the two foals of the mare
WOW, Woah! whap happened?! so are they domesticated now, did a nice farmer adopt them and put them to work, or the more impressively they made all of this.
Stay tune ~~~
Damn. Your art is extremely economical. I’m in awe.
Look at the little bandana on his head UGH MY HEART
Shit, someone call the Ghostbusters and ask their stakeout fees.
Little farmers now!
In the one hand I wish I got to the harvester fluffy job before this. On the other I’m glad I didn’t because once again @FallenAngel007 made a path for me to follow.
I hate tomatoes, but can respect the work.
It’s like seeing cross fit folks. I won’t do the work. Don’t want to. But totally respect you doing it
Those fluffies are doing such a good job!