Dawn of the Fluffy, Part 1: "Fluffspeak" by Resnoth

On the channel FluffTV, every weeknight at 7:00 pm would broadcast the show “Fluffspeak”, a talk show discussing different ways of taking care of your fluffy, and reviewing new products for fluffies.

The whole show usually had the main host, Bill Jameson, along with usually a guest speaker and a few fluffies to play or talk to the live audience behind the cameras.

The mood of the hole show was usually huggies and love.

Tonight was anything but that.

Over the past 3 to 4 weeks, there had been an increase of violence among fluffies, which was growing into an epidemic.

As the epidemic went on, tensions have risen throughout the country, with the government taking very little action with the growing problem until it was already beyond control.

And even at that point, they didn’t release much official information, leaving local law enforcement and news organizations to deal with it themselves.

No one knew if this was an outbreak of some disease, or a defect in the biological programming.

The only released information made official to the public was that the only solution to this was to destroying the brain of these creatures.

This has sparked a major controversy, as many owners were unwilling of even thinking about harming their fluffy companions, much less destroy them.

And that’s where it leaves is tonight, with Jameson arguing with his guest, Professor Dr. Jellen.

Both of them were arguing about the ethics of the situation, with the audience strongly voicing their concern.

Behind, cameramen and staff were growing more irritated and hope was quickly diminishing.

It was complete chaos.

"How can you demand for the people to do these horrible acts towards these innocent creatures?!

It’s already hard enough with them being left out in the cold, or ending up in the hands of an abuser!

These little guys need us now more than ever, and you’re saying that we should destroy them!"

"You are not understanding the situation you are dealing with right now!

They are no longer the same, dependent fluffies you protect so much!

They are beyond saving, and are even attacking each other!"

"You don’t even know what’s wrong with them!

For all we know, they might have some form of rabies or something!"

“Rabies?! If this were rabies, it wouldn’t have spread as much as it has now!”

"Well it must be some sort of virus or something that we can cure!

Why not create a vaccine instead of this inhumane ‘solution’ you’re proposing to us?!"

"You are not understanding what you’re saying!

Even if this was a virus, we have no vaccine for it because we’ve never encountered this sort of thing!

And even if we were to pool in all our resources throughout the country, even if other countries pooled in together their resources, we would even be seeing a proper vaccine for at least two years!"

The audience erupted in disapproval and disbelief, growing more angry with his statements.

He spoke again, “You are missing one key difference this epidemic has compared to viruses, Mr. Jameson!”

“Oh yeah? What’s that?”

“You are missing the fact that these things are coming back to life!”

“Oh, this again!”, Jameson exclaimed in disbelief, with the audience sharing his rejection of the claim.

"Do you not see with your own eyes that the dead fluffies are returning to life?!

Don’t you believe that they’re returning to life?"

“It’s so redicu-”

“Don’t you believe that the recently deceased fluffies are returning to life, and are attacking the living?”

"I don’t know what to believe anymore! We all don’t know if we should trust you or what the administration is saying!

Officials we put our trust into, said a week ago that this was going to die out soon and it was nothing to worry about!

They didn’t even consider sheltering in these fluffies, and just left them to become victims to this disease.

And now they’re just getting their lazy asses off, but are doing nothing about curing it and leave it to us!"

"So you are going to ignore reports of veterinarian clinics and shelters, along with fluffy owners, making accounts of their fluffies dying and coming back to life to commit acts of violence?!

If you don’t trust officials, you have to at least trust in claims from your viewers!"

"Even if it was true, there has to be a better way than killing them!

How can we look at their little faces, and be expected to bring harm to them?!"

A fluffy at Jameson’s side was looking scared, cowering and said, “Fwuffy nu wike huwties…huuu…”

“Of course you of all people would advice these good people to resort to violence on fluffies, Dr. Jellen.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“We, the people, have heard of your questionable ‘experiments’ on fluffies, and I must say that you could be an abuser!”

The audience audibly agrees with Jameson.

“My methods of research has nothing to do with what’s going on now!”

"Oh, I beg to differ!

There has been claims from your former staff that you have been cruel to these fluffies, from tramatising them with psychological abuse, and even some have been going so far as unnecessary surgeries!"

"Those claims are from disgruntled employees who seek to lie about my research, and you know it.

You just feed your audience this to try to discredit anyone that doesn’t completely follow you or your beliefs!"

“And what would that be?”

"You and your audience would rather look at things from a more hopeful perspective, and not a realistic one.

You would rather look at things in your way than realize that it’s far more complicated than that!

You think that sticking your head in the sand and hope that some ‘miracle cure’ is going to come soon and solve this whole problem!

You’re not running your normal ‘huggies an wub’ talkshow, so you can just stop shoveling the moral bullshit that your audience wants to hear, and start showing then the facts that they need to hear!

And what are we even talking about my career for?!

What we should be talking about is handling this situation in a for sure effective way than wishing a cure for this ‘disease’ that we aren’t even sure is causing it!"

“You come in here, something with a questionable history and claims of abuse, telling us that we need to abandon our dignity, as humans, to care for the less fortunate!”

"You are not listening! You’re still sticking you’re heads in the sand!

What will it take to make you people understand?!"

“Many of these reasonable people, unlike yourself, aren’t willing to outright kill their fluffies in cold blood like yourself, and I don’t blame them!”

"Every fluffy that dies and is NOT destroyed turns into Them.

They get up and kill fluffies, the fluffies YOU want to protect.

That killed fluffy gets up and kills!

Not to mention reports of people becoming affected by these creatures biting them, also becoming one of Them!

Even being told about this, you refuse to do what needs to be done!"

The audience grows louder in quarrels, with some of them shouting obscenities to Dr. Jellen.

"They are no longer the fluffies you want to give hugs to.

They must be exterminated by either removing the head, destroying the brain, and cremation."

“Now he says we should burn them!”

The audience again yells in disapproval.

"You must listen! This must be controlled before it’s too late!

They’re spreading too rapidly!

Every day, they’re multiplying their numbers!

There’s been reports from major cities around the country, from Seattle to Philadelphia, of megaherds that we haven’t seen in scale since Cleveland!

At least in Texas, there’s far fewer cases of these megaherds than in California!"

"If you have other facts you’re willing to share with us, then what is it?

What else can you tell us about the epidemic?"

"Well, even if you think we know nothing, there are a few facts we do know about them.

You question me on claims of them killing Their own kind, and even going after us.

You want to know why They harm and kill.

They kill for one simple reason.

These creatures kill for food.

They have been reported to eat the flesh of the living.

Do you understand, Mr. Jameson?

They run purely on this instinct to seek out food, except they’re not knocking on your doorsteps to ask for ‘sketties’.

If you had just listen to what needs to be done, if you had stopped turning this into an ‘abuser versus hugboxer’ situation, if you had dealt with this without emotion, we wouldn’t be in where we are now.

These cities that have these megaherd gatherings are currently under Martial Law.

It’s come to this because people are putting emotion over reason!

Already, government officials have already stated that citizens may no longer keep fluffies in private residences, no matter how protected they may think it is.

Fluffies will be relocated to large quarantined areas in the city!

The remains of any recently deceased fluffies must immediately be turned over to the authorities and to specially equipped squads of Fluffy Control for proper organized disposal!"


Hmmm. This sparks something in me. Looking forward to see how this continues.

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choke on eemm. choke on eeeemmm