Day in the life as a pillow (carniviousduck)


Why in the fuck would anybody want a pillow? How codependent are you to need something to depended on you for everything. At least with a kid it can eventually take care of itself. A pillowed fluffy? All you have is a whiny leech that you have clean up after. No thanks.


Same reason people clip wings of healthy parrots so the critter won’t fly i guess, dumb if there’s no medical reason.

Don’t forget that fluffies are a parody, on MLP;FIM and on IRL, to make people think, how cruel humans can be, even with good intentions which CAN pave the way to hell.


You literally just described every fluffy.

As for why you’d want to own one? To make it fucking miserable, that’s why. It’s not rocket science.


I know nothing about birds but even if the parrot can’t fly it can still move and do SOMETHING. I have family that has a parrot and I’m not sure but I know they said he can’t fly properly so he doesn’t escape but I’ve seen him move and kind of fly to the extent that he can actually do stuff. (Idk tho, again I know nothing about birds).

A pillow fluff is a pet rock that complains, deficates and drains money. Literally anything else as more appeal by proxy of it doing something independent of you.


Ah, there i got corrected, indeed birdy still can fly a bit, or hover…forgot about the details i’ve heared on Birdtricks.

And yes, birds still can do stuff with less wingcapacity, eating, walking everything without flight, though if got a parrot again (My parents and i cared for grandpas parrot for a few years when i lived at home), the bird gets to fly, in a big-ass aviary and professional training plus care.

Fluffy on the otherhand…well let’s keep em fictitious, so pillowfluffs can be used as ammo for a sized up tennisball-launcher…Thud * Scree! *

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8am to 8pm… I think your Daddy is taking about 4 extra hours before opening that safe room door! Oh well, time for bed at 9pm little fluffy!


I mean I always took it to be because a fluffy’s greatest enemy is it’s own fucking stupidity.
By cutting off their legs, you don’t have the concern of it tripping over it’s own feet and breaking it’s neck.


How much is the misery worth if it makes your own life worse? I do not enjoy cleaning up shit. It is one of the worse possible things to me. No. Switch them to an IV and feed them that way. Fluffies don’t require much. You want suffering? Imagine starving for years but your body just won’t die. Daddeh keeps coming in and changing the baggie. You’ve long since given up trying to get his attention. …Play? What’s that? Was play something you did? You did something. Something bad. Then daddeh took something away. What was it? You used them to play. Play? What’s… Wouldn’t that be such a delicious hell? And see? No shitty mess to clean up. And if it is set up right, then you don’t even have to worry about that.


That’s when you yank that little bastard around and make it eat the shit. It’s got all day to make that wall pristine.

Cause its funny

Want to know what’s funny? Being high in a church and laughing at the pastor.

Zoinks scoobs

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What’s funnier than that? Fucking his wife in his bed later that night. I learned that night I wasn’t a big fan of Filipino pussy.

Crazy I was cray onCE