Dead-Man Float (WIP) by TarkOfTheWild

Actual tip for drowning, but you want the real deets look around, when i get my full picture finished I will write what the actual process is.

You’ll be seeing this fluffy alot actually! I usually call her Terra, might re-name her. I am going to use her as middle ground for being a smart feral (not a smartie, she actually knows survival tactics) and a feral.

She’s brown with a white belly and hooves with white innards, she usually has a black stripe going down her back and mane and 3 stripes that are horizontal.

DID i tag this right? i will add actual abuse and fluffy logic to finished product.


White intestines?

I guess? Her entire digestive track is white. From her mouth to her esphogus to her belly to both intestines. I drew her tongue pink here to make it stand out.

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