Definitely The Best Solution (Art By Casca_De_Laranja)


Eh, better amputate their head too, no chance of breeding for sure


Cut to a couple weeks later where hundreds of pregnant pillows began showing up in the streets due to people discarding mares that couldn’t get away from the stray stallions.


death is the only true solution


so instead of trapping/neutering/releasing they are trapping/pillowing/releasing. nice.


They dont survive for to long, even when other fluffys try to help them.


Some people still want to have their bad colors fluffy, but now when they get bored of the boring color fluffy and twrow they out, they wont be able to go around making babbehs.


Why only “bad” colors? Every feral shitrat is scum.


because…reasons :man_shrugging:

His distress is so delicious.

Take this as extreme cases

there is a always a possibility that a horny stallion will eventually came and will have enf with that pillow fluffy.
Now it is a male, the case ends there.
But if its a mere and manages to give birth the things are two, the foals either die creating even more pollution;
or they get stolen by other meres increasing the population.

Neutering and death are the only true options

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Excellent logic. :100:

also why is he crying for his mummah, his mummah would of stomped him into paste by now, or made him the litterbox king: consumer of poopie

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Neutering would be simpler. Do humans in this 'verse enjoy making things more complicated for themselves?

Yeah it’s like a world of idiot sociopaths. Cutting off the legs doesn’t stop another fluffy from fucking them. Euthanize or neuter, this is just silly.


If it causes more psychological pain in the long run then yes.

idk abusebox gonna abuse, practicality comes second. :shrug:

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Yes, in the real world its be treated with logic and reason.

But this is a alt universe, where Fluffs are technically Soap. (They’re labeled as soap right? I forget the item they’re labeled in the patent.)

Doesn’t hurt that the lore has HasBio do things just to make their Fluffs suffer a bit too.

Won’t lie I like both hugbox and Abusebox stuff, (Came for the Abuse box, and gre to love specifically the “Mother Mare” Series which got me more into the hugbox stuff.)

Sometimes you don’t need to explain for your Abusebox stuff. Though lets be honest, i’d of loved to see this law be “Full package” Turning these “Shitrats” into “No Weggie Monster Mares” as they yell out “Wan wumps, noh stuppie Munstah Mawe!”

Anywho sorry for the long post for my very first post here. XD

It is indeed soap (i dont think everyones headcannons address these days it but it was the case)

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honestly, the guy could just be lying too.

Very true!