Definition of biopunk, anyone?

So I was looking at the tags and noticed biopunk, and I kind of… don’t understand?
My guess is it should be related to an aesthetic or thematic trend like steampunk, dieselpunk or cyberpunk. But honestly, that’s all I can think of.
Can anyone explain me?

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you haven’t seen scorn?

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The body horror fps that makes it look like you’re inside a body?
Would Akira also account as biopunk?

It does when when his psychic powers start mutating his body. Also you might wanna check out the anime Guyver and it’s live action movies, the zoiniods are a trip.

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Thanks, will have a look

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Biopunk is an offshoot of cyberpunk that involves biological modification - many of the same themes, but tends towards ‘organic’ augmentations rather than the ‘shiny and chrome’ augmentations of classic cyberpunk. Think Videodrome, or, as mentioned above, certain parts of Akira.

It does tend to body horror, for obvious reasons.


Woah, sounds super cool!

See the Windup Girl, its not that great but its a good example of what biopunk is compared to cyberpunk.

And steampunk was always a joke, problem is some people took it seriously.

Yeah you got it. Best example I can think of is cruelty squad. Just the sort of punk where we master the meat.