Demon Invasion chapter 1 by CENSORED75

This is the first fluffy story I have written, and also the first novel I have ever written in my life. I don’t have much confidence in my writing skills, and I’m not sure if this article is good or bad. Welcome everyone to provide constructive suggestions.
This article has two versions, one in Chinese and the other in English. I used translation software to translate this article into English, but the English version did not undergo much proofreading. There may be errors or problematic areas in the English version. If you find any problems while reading the English version, please let me know.









在这些马驹中,粉色的那只最胖,棕色的那只最瘦,已经可以看到这只可怜的幼崽的肋骨了,此时的他正趴在一坨令人作呕的粪便当中,除此之外,其他的马驹都处于一个中等的体型,但是,你认为他们和正常体型的马驹相比要偏瘦。根据你在前一段时间获取的信息,这只粉色的马驹显然是bestes babbeh,那只棕色的可怜虫显然是poop baby,其余的马驹是good baby。这些弱智生物对实体的命名就是如此的幼稚和简单。


“mummah wub babbehs,babies wub mummah,dwink aww dah miwks,gwow big an stwong…”




“Otay,bestes babbeh dwink miwkies fiwst.”


“Huhuhu…why am sissy meaning, babbeh am hab tummy owwies,need miwkies too.”


“Dummeh bwuddah,aww dah miwkies am bestest babbeh.”




那只有着橙色绒毛的幼崽F-3正在四处游走…他是在探索周围的环境吗?然后,你听到了F-3正在欢快的喊着”Mummah wook,baby expwowe, baby expwowe…”好吧,现在你明白了,这是一只expwowe babbeh,fluffy是如此称呼这些好奇心旺盛的马驹的。


“Am bwuddah injuwed?need huggies?hug make ebewything bettah.”



“Get bestes sowwy poopies,ugwy poopies babbeh.”


“Gib wick cwean nao”







“Dummeh poopies babbeh,get wowstes sowwy hoof”


“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEE, mummah hewp,hewp…eeeeeeeeeee, nu can get up,chirpchirpchirp,bad smewwchirpchirpchirp…”


此时,他们的母亲F-0挣扎着站立起来,然后,这她以自己最快的速度(以fluffy的标准来看。)冲到了自己的bestes babbeh的身边,在这一过程中,她险些踩到了正在互相拥抱的F-1和F-5,然后,她用自己粗短的蹄子将F-4给扶了起来。















“Greetings,little fluffy.”

“wha…who am ou?”


“Don’t be afraid, little one, I have no ill intentions. Your condition looks very bad. Can you tell me what happened?”


“Am…am dis sketties wand?”

“No,it’s not.But,I’m here to help you. I found that you were seriously injured. What happened?”

“Nyn fwend?”


“Mummah an bwuddah an sissy…huhuhu…babbeh nu know why…why dey meanin’ to babbeh.mummah caww babbeh dummeh poopies babbeh,but babbeh am not poopies,am onwy wittwe…an babbeh am fo huggies an wub,not fo gib owwies…huhuhu…why onwy mean to babbeh an gib othah babbeh huggies an wub an miwkies.Babbeh wan miwkies too,don’t wan to num poopies anymowe.Nu faiw.Nu faiw…huhuhu…”


“I will ask you some questions, you just need to answer “yes” or “no”, understand?”

“y…yes,fwuffie undewstand.”

“Very good,so,does your mother force you to eat shit and not feed you milk?”


“Does your mother often give you owwies? Is the huge scar on the left side of your face and the pain (fracture) in your chest caused by your mother?”


“Did your mother let your brothers and sisters bully you”

“Onwy dah bestest babbehs hab done,huhuhu…bwuddah an sissy am gud fwuffie.”

“How does your mother treat her baby?”

“Dah bestest babbeh can be dah fiwst to dwink miwkies an get dah most miwkies.cos bestes babbeh am bestest.Othah babbehs get wittwe miwkies cos bestes babbeh awmost dwink aww dah miwkies an when bwuddah an sissy get cwose to miwkies pwace,best babbeh wiww gib them owwies.fwuffie nebah be awwowed to dwink miwkies,cos am poop babbeh,huhuhu…onwy desewbe poopies an owwies.”

“How long did this situation last?”

“Babbeh nu know,maybe many fowebah times.”


“May I become your new dad?And I will ensure that you will not be subjected to any further torture. I will provide you with your home, toys, food…”

“new daddeh?”


“Yes,new dad.”

“Yes,y…yes,pwease be fwuffy’s new dady,nice shining mistah.pwease gib babbeh wan hurties nu mowe…huhuhu…”

“Very good,and the last question.Do you hate your mother and the best baby?”

“Yes,fwuffie hate them,hate dey aww,dey bad fwuffie”

“Do you want revenge?”


“Do you want revenge?”


yes,dey do dah wowstest thing to baby,dey am bad fwuffy,bad fwuffie shouwd get owwies…


“Very good, now I will become your new father, providing you with shelter. You will never be tortured like this again, and at the same time, I will give you new strength. You will surpass your peers. As a reward, you need to dedicate your body and soul to me and become my loyal servant in this lifetime. Do you agree with this contract?”

“yes,pwease be fwuffy’s new daddeh,fwuffie wiww wub ou fowebew,and be bestes fwuffie to new daddeh”

“Now, relax and accept me.”





"Now, my child,it’s time to carry out the killing.Remember, use your sharp teeth, not hooves.Imagine they are spaghetti,bite them and TORMENT THEM TO DEATH.

这时,F-2回想起了之前发生的一切,被他那令人作呕的母亲和她的地狱之卵虐待,然后又被新爸爸拯救,并被给予了新的身体和力量。前所未有的力量在你的体内涌动,你的舌头碰到的了你前面那增生过的牙齿,确实非常锋利,结合新爸爸告诉你的话,你明白该干什么了。此时F-2感到一股滔天的怒意正涌上心头,F-2看向他的母亲和她的"bestest baby",哦,那个该死的小shitpig现在又他妈的饿了,正在粗鲁的要求她的母亲给她喂奶。

“Bestest babbeh am hab tummy owwies,gibe miwkies nao!”

“sowwy bestest babbeh,mom nu hab miwkies nao.”

“wan miwkies nao nao nao.”



“what am dummeh poop babbeh doin…SCREEEEEEEEEE”



F-0楞了一会,然后才明白发生了什么事。她看到一个狰狞扭曲的棕色生物恶狠狠地咬着自己的bestest baby的后腿,将其不断的向后拖,而F-4在不断地哭泣、尖叫、拉屎、撒尿,一路上留下了血液、粪便、尿液的肮脏混合物。这时F-0注意到了F-2那狰狞的外貌——头颅如同一只bark monster,两只橙色的眼睛闪着凶光,嘴巴死死地咬着F-4,面部的肌肉皱成了一个可怕的形状,表情看起来异常的狰狞。这不是刚刚的那个dummeh poop babbeh,这也绝对不是fluffy,这是…


F-0开始疯狂地挣扎,试图逃跑,将自己的bestest baby和其他的孩子弃之不顾。在她逃跑的过程中,一路上不停地喷出粪便,在她身后留下了一条长长的棕色印记。她一不小心将正在探索的F-3给踩在了脚下,可怜的小马驹被瞬间踩成了肉饼,鲜血和内脏糊了一地。







“If fwuffie nu can see munsta,monstah nu can see fwuffie.If fwuffie nu can see munsta,monstah nu can see fwuffie…”




“Try to avoid blood vessels that appear thicker, child. So you can torture this fat bitch for a longer time.”


“am ou new daddeh?”

“Yes, I am.and do as I just said.”








“Look at me and answer my question, bitch. Your best baby is suffering. Aren’t you going to save her?”


这时,F-0注意到了自己的bestest baby正在被凌迟。

“Be…bestest ba…baby,pwease no hurt bestest baby…screee…WEGGIE HURTIES…huhuhu.”


“Pwease nice munsta,put mummah down,am gud fwuffie…”


“Good fluffy?Do you forget how you abused your brown foal before?”

“B…buh am dummeh poop babbeh,onwy desewbe hurties and owwies.”

“Why?just because of his color?For your race, he is just a bad color, everything else is no different from yours.”

“B…buh poop babbeh onwy desewbe hurties an num poopies.”


“Really can’t reason with the retarded…OK,since you don’t want your bestest baby to suffer, then go save it.”

“P…pwease nu hurt fwuffy am gud fwuffie…huhuhu…”







"SCREEEEE,pwease nu mowe huwties… "




F-0摇摇晃晃地站了起来,险些被自己的粪便滑倒,现在她满身都是自己的粪便。然后一瘸一拐地向着她的bestest baby所在的方向移动。至少她现在不喷屎了,刚刚她已经把她能拉的都拉出来了。

路途的中间,她看到了F-1和F-5紧紧的拥抱在一起,他们一直在箱子制成的巢穴里待着,尿液和粪便在他们的身下形成了一个黄色小水坑,显然是被刚刚的自己的棕色兄弟突然变成怪物然后撕咬bestest baby一事和小巷的出口处发生的诡异而巨大的躁动给吓坏了,但由于箱子的阻挡,他们并没有注意到你的存在。

“Mummah why bwown bwuddah became munsta an num pink sissy”


F-0没有理会F-1的问题,只是不断的前进,她看着F-2在折磨她的bestest baby,惨叫声回荡在小巷里。当她越来越靠近F-2时,这景象愈发的清晰和惊悚,嘶哑的惨叫声在不断地轰击着她的耳膜,她的双腿开始因恐惧而颤抖,由于肠道已经被排空,在极端的恐惧下她连续放了几个屁,并没有拉出任何东西。

现在,F-0已经非常靠近F-2了,她看到自己的bestest baby的下半身的肉已经被削去了大半部分,现在F-4正趴在一个正在缓缓扩大的小血泊中,血泊中混杂着血液、粪便、尿液,并不断地发出嘶哑地尖叫声。得益于fluffy的低血压,即使F-4的身上有着严重的伤口,她的失血量也没有危及她的生命,她依旧活着。

F-0颤抖着看着F-2对bestest baby施暴,场面极其恐怖,让她恨不得马上转身逃跑,但是,她自己的bestest baby正在遭受"WOWEST HURTIES",而且在她的身后,还有一只恐怖的漂浮在空中的黑色怪物正在盯着她,并催促着她去拯救自己的bestest baby。她不得不这么做,毕竟一个好Mummah要拯救她的bestest baby,难道不是吗?于是她一边向着F-2冲去,一边大喊。












"The ‘monster’ that is biting you is actually your former poop baby. We reached a contract, and then I gave him strength to turn him into the monster in your mouth.You are being punished Because you abused your brown offspring and shaped your pink offspring into a detestable creature.Do you understand your sins now?

“…eeeee…pwease stahp,fwuffie am sowwy,pwomise nebah do again.”


"Very good, since you have realized your mistake, now you need to make up for it. GIVE BACK ALL THE MILK OWED TO YOUR BROWN CHILD.





“Do you want to make poop”


“yes,mistew,baby need”

“Do you remember your mother and the bestest baby used to poop on you?”


“Since that’s the case, do you know what to do now?”

“Yes, mistah,baby know what shouwd do nao.”









“Good mummah, how does poop taste? You used to force your child to eat poop, must it be really delicious?”


“huhuhu…nu taste pwetty.”




“What are you going to do with the rest of your brothers and sisters?”

“Can mistah be new daddeh fo bwuddah an sissy too?dey gud fwuffie.”

“If that’s what you want, then as you wish.”

“fank ou,shinin mistah”

“You can call me Duo.”

“Uh…uh…fank ou,mistah Duo.”


“What gon do wiff bad mean mummah?”

“Leaving her here to rot with her hellish eggs, the broken front legs, rib bones, abdominal and breast wounds will slowly and painfully kill her, and she will ultimately die from hunger and infection.During this period, I will be by her side harvesting the negative energy she generates.”


“Don’t be afraid, you just did the right thing for yourself, you are good fluffy.”


“Mistah Duo,what shouwd fluffy do nao?”

“Well,Let’s go home first.”


Those in the midst of hell cannot deny the favors that come from it.

In a human city, you are hiding in an alleyway, and you observe your surroundings through your telekinetic powers - the bustling crowds, the cars coming and going, and the small, colorful creatures that loom up every now and then.

A strange new world.

You hid in the shadows, observing the entire city with your remote-vision ability, while you also acquired a great deal of information from the human internet through the electronic device implanted in your body, and after a few days, you gradually learned about this world. After assessing it, you decided that the world was a good hunting ground, filled with negative energies that would help you polarize negatively well. However, what intrigues you the most are the small colorful creatures, which, according to the description of the information you were given, are creatures genetically engineered by humans to be used as biological toys, called fluffy.You slowly digest all the information you were given about the creatures, and after a moment of silent thought and calculation, you decide that these creatures are perfect prey.

Over the next few days, you plan to observe the creatures for yourself.

Apparently, this creature is extremely abundant in the city, and it is not difficult to find a sample that can be used for observation. Soon enough, you find a fluffy family - a mare and 5 foals - in an alley. The mare is a unicorn with pink fluffy fur and a purple mane, which you name F-0. The nature of his 5 foals are unicorn-red-white (male), unicorn-brown-black (male), pegasus-orange-blue (male), unicorn-pink-green (female), and landhorse-light green-black (female). You name them F-1, F-2, F-3, F-4, and F-5.

You slipped into the alley and rolled up a faint but biting cold wind. You flew into the bottom of a large dumpster in the alley and hid there, observing the fluffy family and everything around it with your telekinetic powers.

Of the foals, the pink one is the fattest and the brown one is the skinniest, you can already see the ribs of the poor cub, who is currently lying on his back in the middle of a disgusting pile of feces, other than that, the other foals are at a medium size, however, you think that they are on the skinny side in comparison to normal sized foals. Based on the information you acquired some time ago, the pink colt is apparently bestes babbeh, the brown wretch is apparently poop baby, and the rest of the foals are good babies. such is the childishness and simplicity with which these retarded creatures name their entities.

F-0 was nursing his foals at the moment, both of them being placed on his nipples between his legs for milk while the pink fluffy was singing that well known sickeningly runny song.

“mummah wub babbehs, babies wub mummah, dwink aww dah miwks, gwow big an stwong…”

Over and over again, tirelessly.

Among them, the pink colt, F-4, stood out the most. At the moment, this hellspawn was greedily sucking milk from her mother’s nipples, as if her whole body was exerting itself, and every piece of fat on her nearly bulbous body seemed to quiver with every suck she made. Suddenly, F-4 struck F-1, who was breastfeeding at the other nipple, hard (by foal standards) with her fat-stacked forelegs, which were no longer recognizable in their original shape, knocking F-1 to the ground on all fours.


“Otay, bestes babbeh dwink miwkies fiwst.”

Her mother, who was the same color as her, soothed, a sickly, doting smile creasing her chubby face with the features of a pig and a horse.

“Huhuhu . . why am sissy meaning, babbeh am hab tummy owwies,need miwkies too.”

F-1 covered his nose with his hoof as he cried and expressed his displeasure.

“Dummeh bwuddah,aww dah miwkies am bestest babbeh.”


Hmmm…this situation…you’ve seen similar scenes in the information you’ve acquired. However, it is still a bit of a shock to actually see such a scene with your own eyes in reality, and it is very interesting.

You continue to observe.

The orange-furred cub, F-3, is wandering around…is he exploring his surroundings? Then you hear F-3 shouting “Mummah wook, baby expwowe, baby expwowe…” Well, now you realize that this is an expwowe babbeh, as fluffy is called! these inquisitive foals.

Continuing to observe, you move your eyes to F-5, who is trying to hug F-1 to comfort her brother.

“Am bwuddah injuwed?need huggies?hug make ebewything bettah.”

Soon the two ponies were hugging and letting out soft coo~coo~ cries. The scene is truly adorable from a human’s perspective, and you continue to watch in silence.

Finally, you move your gaze to the brown colt. The scene is incredibly gruesome; F-2’s body is far thinner than the rest of the colt’s, with his ribs clearly visible, his abdomen flattened, and he is in a comatose state. At the moment he was lying on top of a semi-solid pile of feces, and there was a good deal of feces piled up around him as well, both large and small, and it was not hard to guess that the larger feces belonged to their mother, F-0, and the smaller feces belonged to the other foals. In addition to the feces, there was a lot of yellow liquid on the ground, which was obviously urine. You notice some small bruises on F-2’s back and face, and a huge red, swollen welt around his left eye, and that the wound has become infected. Just as you look up your stored memories and try to find one that explains the phenomenon, you see that F-4, who has finished his milk at this point, is slowly walking (you really don’t want to use the word walking, the way this ball of fat is moving is almost like squirming.) towards F-2’s position. , and then…

“Get bestes sowwy poopies, ugwy poopies babbeh.”

With a sickening sound, a stream of liquidy feces sprayed over the F-2’s body, covering him.

“Gib wick cwean nao.”

With that said, F-4 turned his back to F-2, pointed his ass at F-2’s face, and demanded that he lick the feces off his fat ass. But, at this point, F-2 was already too weak, malnourished, physically injured, with a high fever caused by an infected wound. all F-2 could do now was lie on his back on that pile of feces, and he couldn’t even seem to move his body.


The damned hellspawn yelled at his badly injured brother.


God, if a human had been around, he would have found the damn sound very harsh.

The fat on her body vibrated with every yell, and after about 30 seconds she stopped yelling.

“Dummeh poopies babbeh, get wowstes sowwy hoof.”

She then proceeded to beat the brown pony with her bulbous, fat-filled forelimbs. At first, she tried to beat the brown pony with a single forelimb. After poking F-2 in the back seven or eight times, she attempted to lift the front half of her body and use both of her forelimbs to smash F-2. It took almost all of her strength to lift the front half of her fat body a little bit, and then, with a sickly grin on her face (it was hard to tell that she was grinning from her fat-covered face), she smashed both of her forelimbs down on F-2. But, instead of hitting her mark, she smashed her forelimbs into a puddle of a mixture of shit and urine, and then, the F-4 slipped, and she fell onto the pile of feces next to the F-2, flopping over like a ball, on all fours. And then, not surprisingly, what happens next…

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, mummah hewp,hewp…eeeeeeeeeeeee, nu can get up,chirpchirpchirp,bad smewwchirpchirp chirp…”

Another sickening scream.

At this point, their mother, F-0, struggled to her feet, and then, this she did as fast as she could (by fluffy standards.) Rushing to her bestes babbeh’s side, in the process, she nearly stepped on F-1 and F-5, who were hugging each other, and then, she used her stubby hooves to pick F-4 up.


F-0 began to hug the fat foal, while the fat foal continued to cry in its own mother’s arms.

After a while, F-0 raised his head and looked viciously at F-2 with hatred in his eyes.


The F-0 then raised a hoof and struck it directly forward, sending the F-2 flying, he flew about 30 centimeters or so before finally coming to a stop from the friction of the ground. The unconscious F-2 woke up from the blow and lay on the ground groaning.


A breathless yelp.

All that information you’ve ever gathered tells you that fluffy is an abomination with a shiny exterior. However, after witnessing for the first time a mare suffering from Bitch Mare Syndrome and her hellspawn in the process of inflicting violence on their disliked family members, even though you’re a demonic entity that feeds on the energies produced by all kinds of negativity, the morbid spectacle really took you by surprise a bit.

In just the last ten minutes or so, you have witnessed a series of sickening atrocities by the abomination, and this brief series of behaviors exemplifies the creature’s staggering greed, selfishness, lack of empathy, incompetence, stupidity, physical inability to function, nausea…and yes, especially nausea. You are certain that in thousands of years of traveling, you have never seen such an abomination. You’re deeply satisfied with what you’ve just seen, this creature called fluffy is definitely the perfect prey for this hunting ground.

Several hours have passed since you first began observing it, and in that time, this fluffy family has released a great deal of energy generated by negative emotions, and you have absorbed them on the side. While its total amount may not be as much as the energy generated by the negative emotions of a more intelligent and emotionally complex third density creature like a human being, it is enough to satisfy you. You marvel at the fact that such tiny, second-density creatures, about the size of a cat in adult form, can so easily produce such a tremendous amount of negative energy, not as much as third-density creatures, but significantly more than any other second-density creatures in the planet’s natural world.

You remain observant, intending to enjoy this constant flow of negative energy for the next little while. However, a good idea suddenly occurs to you, and you terminate your current plans.

You look over to the brown colt, F-2, and observe his physical condition through your telekinesis ability; after taking that blow just now, he has several broken ribs, and is now having trouble breathing. On top of the previous series of injuries and poor physical condition, you estimate that the colt may not survive the day, and you must hurry if you are to carry out your new plan.

You make a conscious exchange with F-2.

In the midst of a darkness, F-2 awakens, and for some reason at this point, he is suddenly conscious, completely free of the stupor brought on by his high fever. He stood in the midst of the endless darkness and saw an orange light flickering in the distance, then the orange light began to rapidly move closer to him, coming to him.

“Greetings, little fluffy.”

“wha…who am ou?”

Fear, confusion, unspeakable sadness, and a hint of anger are the emotions you feel from the poor creature.

“Don’t be afraid, little one, I have no ill intentions. your condition looks very bad. can you tell me what happened?”

At that moment, your shining form keeps releasing a soft light like a miniature sun.F-2 looks at you with a surprised look on his face, and after flabbergasted for more than ten seconds, he slowly speaks :.

“Am…am dis sketties wand?”

“No,it’s not.But,I’m here to help you.I found that you were seriously injured.What happened?”

“Nyn fwend?”


“Mummah an bwuddah an sissy… . huhuhu… .babbeh nu know why… .why dey meanin’ to babbeh…mummah caww babbeh dummeh poopies babbeh,but babbeh am not poopies,am onwy wittwe… .an babbeh am fo huggies an wub,not fo gib owwies… .huhuhu… .why onwy mean to babbeh an gib othah babbeh huggies an wub an miwkies.Babbeh wan miwkies too,don’t wan to num poopies anymowe.Nu faiw… .huhuhu…”

The emotional swings of grief begin to become more intense than before, and to speed up the exchange, you plan to ask the questions yourself.

“I will ask you some questions, you just need to answer “yes” or “no”, understand?”

“y…yes,fwuffie undewstand.”

“Very good, so, does your mother force you to eat shit and not feed you milk?”


“Does your mother often give you owies? Is the huge scar on the left side of your face and the pain (fracture) in your chest caused by your mother? “yes, huhuhu.

“Yes, huhuhu…”

“Did your mother let your brothers and sisters bully you”

“Onwy dah bestest babbehs hab done,huhuhu…bwuddah an sissy am gud fwuffie.”

“How does your mother treat her baby?”

“Dah bestest babbeh can be dah fiwst to dwink miwkies an get dah most miwkies. cos bestes babbeh am bestest. othah babbehs get wittwe miwkies cos bestes babbeh awmost dwink aww dah miwkies an when bwuddah an sissy get cwose to miwkies pwace,best babbeh wiww gib them owwies.fwuffie nebah be awwowed to dwink miwkies,cos am poop babbeh,huhuhu… .onwy desewbe poopies an owwies.”

“How long did this situation last?”

“Babbeh nu know, maybe many fowebah times.”

Obviously this colt doesn’t know how long he has been tortured, but you understand that this colt is currently almost 2 weeks old, he has been tortured since birth and has survived to this age on a diet of poop, but his life is coming to an end at this point.

“May I become your new dad?And I will ensure that you will not be subjected to any further torture.I will provide you with your home, toys, food …”

“new daddeh?”

F-2’s emotional volatility took an uptick all of a sudden, and it looks like you triggered some word that elicits fluffy excitement.

“Yes,new dad.”

“Yes,y…yes,pwease be fwuffy’s new dady,nice shining mistah.pwease gib babbeh wan hurties nu mowe… .huhuhu…”

“Very good,and the last question.Do you hate your mother and the best baby?”

“Yes, fwuffie hate them, hate dey aww, dey bad fwuffie”

“Do you want revenge?”


“Do you want revenge?”


yes,dey do dah wowstest thing to baby,dey am bad fwuffy,bad fwuffie shouwd get owwies…

As it turns out, the twinge of angry emotion you just felt was correct, this little creature toy clearly has some will to want revenge, and this individual is an excellent choice.

“Very good, now I will become your new father, providing you with shelter. you will never be tortured like this again, and at the same time, I will give you new You will surpass your peers. As a reward, you need to dedicate your body and soul to me and become my loyal servant in this lifetime. Do you agree with this contract?”

“yes, pwease be fwuffy’s new daddeh, fwuffie wiww wub ou fowebew, and be bestes fwuffie to new daddeh”

“Now, relax and accept me.”

You reach out from the bottom of the dumpster and touch F-2, and a part of you enters his body. You begin to repair his body to prolong his survival. You eliminated the bacteria in his blood, controlled the division of his body cells to repair the wounds, and regulated the levels of various hormones in his body to assist in the repairs; in repairing the wounds, because there was not much nutrients in his dry and skinny body, you had to use the ability of material manifestation, splitting the molecules in the air, combining them, and forming a variety of substances for repairing his body, and then you moved these substances into his body. After a series of complex and hectic operations, F-2’s vital signs were stabilized by you.

You then began to modify his body on an organ and cellular level on top of that - muscles and bones were strengthened, skin thickened, hair hardened, nervous system reinforced, neurons in the brain built new synapses… Finally, you remodeled his front teeth to make them look like a dog’s fangs. Toward the end of the remodeling process, F-2’s body began to twitch incessantly, accompanied by the sound of blood, flesh, and bones rubbing together, but his stupid family didn’t notice because the high-pitched noises made by the fluffy ones overrode them.

After having a conversation with you, you repair F-2’s body. f-2 feels something strange is entering his body in a steady stream, as well as feeling his entire body burning, as if he were on a furnace. After nearly half an hour, F-2’s body has been transformed, and you intend to proceed to the next step of your plan - torturing a target filled with negative polarity. For the negative energy generated by torturing the wicked far exceeds the negative energy generated by torturing the good. Highly rewarding work, perfect.

You are F-2, and the transformation of your body is complete. You feel your body, the injuries your body suffered before the transformation have disappeared, and now, you feel a strange sensation in your body, very different from before. You feel the blood flowing under your skin at a far faster rate than before, your heart is stronger and more powerful than before, and your muscles and tendons are twitching back and forth, filled with a strength previously unseen. You slowly open your eyes and raise your head slightly to look around, the injury you just had on your eye has also disappeared, and your vision is open and clearer than it was even before your eye was injured. At the same time you perceive new senses of hearing and smell, and you can feel that they are both more sensitive than before, but … your sense of hearing is dominated by high pitched fluffy noises, and your sense of smell is dominated by the foul stench of fluffy feces, which is truly disgusting. That’s when you hear a voice.

“Now, my child, it’s time to carry out the killing.Remember, use your sharp teeth, not hooves.Imagine they are spaghetti, bite them and TORMENT THEM TO Imagine they are spaghetti, bite them and TORMENT THEM TO DEATH.

At this point, F-2 recalls everything that happened before, being abused by his disgusting mother and her hellspawn, then being saved by his new dad and given a new body and strength. Unprecedented power surges through you, your tongue meets the augmented teeth in front of you, very sharp indeed, and combined with what the new dad told you, you understand what to do. At this point F-2 felt a monstrous rage coming over him, F-2 looked over to his mother and her “bestest baby”, oh that damn little shitpig was now fucking hungry again and was rudely asking her mother to breastfeed her.

“Bestest babbeh am hab tummy owwies,gibe miwkies nao!”

“sowwy bestest babbeh, mom nu hab miwkies nao.”

“Wan miwkies nao nao nao.”

F-4 screamed as he stomped those short, stubby hooves, his entire fat body quivering with each hoof drop, the high pitched sound causing mild discomfort to your already hardened ears.

The F-2 stood up and then sprinted towards the F-4 with a speed never seen before (relative to fluffy), stumbling and nearly falling to the ground several times along the way. Obviously, F-2 wasn’t quite used to this new body, but he didn’t have to get used to it before launching an attack, as anger and hatred had driven it to charge at the enemy regardless. It soon rushed to the front of the F-4.

“what am dummeh poop babbeh doin… .SCREEEEEEEEEE”

The F-2 bit down dead center on the F-4’s hind leg, then violently yanked it backwards, tearing off a large chunk of meat with a large amount of fat. At once, blood flowed out. Then it bit back again and dragged it backwards.


F-0 flinched for a moment before realizing what was happening. She saw a hideous, twisted brown creature viciously biting at her BESTEST BABY’s hind legs, dragging it backwards over and over again while F-4 cried, screamed, pooped, and peed over and over again, leaving a filthy mixture of blood, feces, and urine along the way. That’s when F-0 noticed F-2’s hideous appearance - the head was like a bark monster, two orange eyes flashing menacingly, the mouth dead set on F-4, the muscles of the face wrinkled into a horrible shape, and the expression looked unusually grim. This wasn’t the dummeh poop babbeh from just now, and this definitely wasn’t fluffy, this was…


F-0 began to struggle frantically, trying to escape, abandoning her bestest baby and the others. As she escaped, she kept spewing feces along the way, leaving a long brown trail behind her. She accidentally stomped on F-3, who was exploring, and the poor pony was instantly trampled into a meatloaf, blood and guts smeared all over the place.


F-0 screams as she runs away, leaving behind F-4, the other children who are screaming over and over again, and as F-4 is about to run out of the alley, you suddenly appear and stop her in her tracks.


A large black shadow, its outline shifting ever so slightly. In the black shadow that looked like an abyss, multiple orange eyes shone.


The F-4 stops, then covers its eyes and slumps to the ground, shivering while spewing more feces. Your insides can’t help but gasp at what percentage of mass feces actually makes up in this creature’s body.

“If fwuffie nu can see munsta, monstah nu can see fwuffie…”

F-4 kept mumbling in a small voice.

Unexpected behavior. What a stupid and naive abomination, what kind of programming did humans put into these creatures, was this behavior part of the biological programming? Or was it a behavior she made on her own? It seems that you don’t know enough about these creatures, the information currently available to you through your telekinetic abilities and the internet is not enough for you to understand the world and the fluffy. after witnessing so many marvelous phenomena you are now becoming more and more intrigued by creatures like the fluffy.

Listening to the mournful cries of the abomination below you, you look over to F-2, who is tearing the fat off of F-0, piece by piece. Oh dear, your servant does have potential for abuse, doesn’t he? Just like a hyena that is slowly tearing its prey alive.

“Try to avoid blood vessels that appear thicker, child. so you can torture this fat bitch for a longer time.”

You send a sound vibration to F-2, who looks up at you and freezes for a moment. Oh yeah, he’s only seen the image you showed him in conscious communication with him, but never seen you in reality, and it’s completely understandable that he’s a little confused about what you look like.

“am ou new daddeh?”

“Yes, I am. and do as I just said.”

“otay, mistah.”

Then, to avoid biting into an artery, the F-2 reduced the size of the meat it tore off each time, which definitely lengthened the execution. At this point, F-4’s screams were unrelenting.


The F-4 screamed with each piece of flesh the F-2 tore from the F-4, and the continuous screaming made the F-4’s voice hoarse.


An invisible force dragged on F-0’s forelimbs and pulled her up violently, causing her to hover in the air some distance from the ground. The immense force instantly shattered the radius of her left forelimb.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEE… .wowest weggie hurties.”

“Look at me and answer my question, bitch. your best baby is suffering. aren’t you going to save her?”

You ask with a slight sneer.

At this point, F-0 notices that his bestest baby is being lynched.

“Be… . bestest ba. .baby, pwease no hurt bestest baby… .screee… .weggie hurties… .huhuhu.”

F-0 then turned his head and looked pitifully at the dark mass in front of him and pleaded

“Pwease nice munsta, put mummah down, am gud fwuffie…”

Before the words were out of his mouth, F-0 pooped another pile of feces on the ground.

“Good fluffy?Do you forget how you abused your brown foal before?”

“B… .buh am dummeh poop babbeh,onwy desewbe hurties and owwies.”

“Why? Just because of his color? For your race, he is just a bad color, everything else is no different from yours.”

“B… .buh poop babbeh onwy desewbe hurties an num poopies.”

What a shallow creature, you realize that fluffy’s intelligence is too low and their logic too stupid to communicate properly. Trying to convince them by words alone is useless.

“Really can’t reason with the retarded… OK, since you don’t want your bestest baby to suffer, then go save it.”

“P… .pwease nu hurt fwuffy am gud fwuffie… .huhuhu…”

F-0 is then thrown against the wall on the right side of the alley by you with your Nenbutsu, the centrifugal force dislocating her left foreleg and breaking several ribs on her left side with the impact against the concrete wall. You see this through your shaky vision, it’s so fragile, you didn’t just push too hard (by your own standards), are these creatures’ bones made of weathered plastic?


The impact from the collision with the wall pushed all the air out of her lungs, and she spewed out some more feces in the midst of the impact before sliding off the wall like a rag and landing on her own feces.F-0 gasped and wailed over and over again on the ground.


You extend a thin black tentacle to whip her, forcing her to her feet.


“SCREEEEE, pwease nu mowe huwties… ”




F-0 staggered to her feet, nearly slipping on her own feces, which now covered her. Then limping, she moved in the direction of where her BESTEST BABY was. At least she wasn’t spraying poop now, she had just pooped all she could.

In the middle of the path, she saw F-1 and F-5 hugging each other tightly, they had been staying in their lair made of crates, urine and feces forming a small yellow puddle underneath them, obviously freaked out by the fact that their own brown brother had just suddenly turned into a monster and then ripped into bestest baby and the weird and loud agitation that had occurred at the exit of the alley, but due to the crate’s They don’t notice your presence due to the box being in the way.

“Mummah why bwown bwuddah became munsta an num pink sissy.”

F-1 recognizes the monster in front of him as his brown brother.

F-0 ignored F-1’s question and just kept moving forward as she watched F-2 torturing her bestest baby, screams echoing through the alley. As she got closer and closer to F-2 the sight became more and more clear and frightening, the hoarse screams were constantly blasting her eardrums, her legs began to shake with fear, and as her intestines had already been emptied she farted a few times in a row in extreme fear and didn’t poop anything out.

Now that F-0 was very close to F-2, she saw that the flesh of her bestest baby’s lower half had been shaved off for the most part, and now F-4 was lying on her back in a small, slowly expanding pool of blood mixed with blood, feces, and urine, and screaming hoarsely over and over again. Thanks to fluffy’s low blood pressure, even with the severe wounds on F-4’s body, the amount of blood she lost did not jeopardize her life, and she remained alive.

F-0 trembled as she watched F-2 brutalize her bestest baby, the scene was so horrifying that she wanted to turn around and run away, but her own bestest baby was suffering from “WOWEST HURTIES”, and behind her, there was another horrible black monster floating in the air staring at her and urging her to save her bestest baby. BESTEST BABY. she had to do it, after all a good Mummah has to save her BESTEST BABY, doesn’t she? So she rushed towards F-2 as she yelled.


Before the words were out of his mouth, F-2 reacted and then lunged at F-0, frantically tearing at F-0’s still uninjured right front leg.Since the left front leg was already fractured, F-0 lost his balance and fell to the ground on the front half of his body.At the same time, F-0 began to struggle, trying to shake off F-2, who was clinging to his left front leg.F-2 loosened his teeth under the adult fluffy’s struggles and was hoofed over, after rolling After rolling around, F-2 jumped back up and lunged at F-0’s cheek, then frantically tore at the soft and fat-rich flesh of F-0’s cheek, and in a split second, F-2 ripped a large chunk of flesh from F-0’s cheek.


In severe pain F-0 screamed and kept swinging its hooves around, F-2 deftly dodged that haphazard attack and circled around to F-0’s side before jumping up again and biting down on F-0’s soft abdomen.

“SCREEEEE… .wowest tummy huwties… .eeeee…”

The F-0 falls to the ground again, and its body begins to flop up and down in an attempt to shake off the F-2, who unleashes a rapid succession of bites into the F-0’s abdomen, ripping more and more tissue off, and all of a sudden, blood stains the fur on the side of the F-0’s abdomen. During this time, you are thrown off your feet several times by the F-0’s struggles, but each time you manage to get up and quickly charge again. Due to the increased structural strength of your body, it is difficult for an impact of this magnitude to effectively damage you.The F-0 struggles and tries to escape, but the F-2 is in hot pursuit.The F-2 catches up with the fleeing F-0 and bites one of her breasts from behind.

“SCREEEEE… .wowest miwkies pwace huwties… .nuhuhuhuhu… .nu num miwkies pwace,NEED MAKE MIWKIES FO BEST BABBEH.”

F-2 anchored himself to the breasts with both front hooves, and then with another quick and continuous tear, F-2 soon bit through the breasts, a mixture of milk and blood moistening into his mouth, mmmm… Wait, this is… This is milk, F-2 had never had his mother’s milk before because he had been forced to eat shit, today, he tasted milk for the first time in his life. The fresh breast milk was mixed with blood, but it was still very tasty.F-2 was attracted by the taste of breast milk, and started to frantically tear at F-0’s breasts, and more milk gushed into his mouth, accompanied by more blood. Meanwhile, because of the pain, F-0 began to scream hysterically.


F-0 screams and cries out while dragging F-2, who is biting at the breast, on the 3 legs that are still functioning, stumbling and moving towards the exit of the alley, a constant mixture of milk and blood dripping down behind him, creating a thin trail on the ground in a very disgusting and comical scene.

At this point, you fly over to F-0 and look at the constantly squirming, crying mess of a pink fluffy on the ground, part of her right breast is missing and milk and blood are pouring out of it. f-2 is still devouring her breast constantly, eating it with gusto, and is reveling in the taste of milk and blood. Your several orange eyes shine and glare at the pink furball below.

“The ‘monster’ that is biting you is actually your former poop baby. we reached a contract, and then i gave him strength to turn him into the monster in your mouth.You are being punished Because you abused your brown offspring and shaped your pink offspring into a detestable creature.Do you understand your Do you understand your sins now?

“… .eeeee… .pwease stahp,fwuffie am sowwy,pwomise nebah do again.”

(It’s a known fact that it’s almost impossible for such a bitch fluffy to actually recognize her mistake and apologize for it from the bottom of her heart.)

“Very good, since you have realized your mistake, now you need to make up for it. GIVE BACK ALL THE MILK OWED TO YOUR BROWN CHILD.

Several bloody mouths full of sharp teeth are revealed on your black misty torso, and you smile cruelly at F-0.

“NUUUUUUUU… .fwuffie sowwy fwuffie sowwy nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. .eeeeeeeeeeee…”

Ten minutes had passed, and only half of F-0’s right breast had been bitten, the milk stored inside had drained out, and now only blood was slowly flowing out of the wound. A puddle of pink liquid formed on the ground, a mixture of blood and milk.F-2 was now full and was sitting on the ground in a crouch to rest a little.F-0 was now curled up in a pool of blood, making pony-like chirp noises over and over again. And F-4, with most of the flesh chipped off her lower body, was slowly diminishing in her screams.

You look at the F-2’s bulging belly and say.

“Do you want to make poop”

F-2 feels his swollen belly and says.

“Yes, mistew, baby need.”

“Do you remember your mother and the bestest baby used to poop on you?”

F-2 cocked his head and looked at you thoughtfully.

“Since that’s the case, do you know what to do now?”

“Yes, mistah,baby know what shouwd do nao.”

F-2 said excitedly, then F-2 slowly walked over to F-4 and aimed his ass at F-4.



A stream of semi-solid feces covered the lynched lower half of the F-4.

The hot, irritating feces violently irritated F-4’s lower half, causing F-4 to let out a scream, but due to the fact that he had just expended too much physical energy, as well as the hoarseness of his throat, F-4’s screams quickly diminished and eventually disappeared, leaving him with only a silent, agonized scream paired with an agonized, twisted expression on his face.

After F-2 finishes spraying at F-4, he jogs all the way over to his mother, F-0, where F-2 aims his ass at F-0’s face, who at this point is curled up and crying, and doesn’t really notice what’s going on. You watch as F-2’s ass is about to fire again, and you poke F-0 in the back with one of your sharp tentacles, and F-0 opens her mouth and starts screaming from the sudden, sharp pain, before F-2’s feces shoots into F-0’s mouth with pinpoint accuracy.


“Good mummah, how does poop taste? You used to force your child to eat poop, must it be really delicious?”

A few of your mouths let out snickers.

“huhuhu… .nu taste pwetty.”

F-0 mutters in a small voice.

At that moment, F-1 and F-5 are clinging to each other, trembling constantly, the yellow-brown puddle beneath them widening as they see what they just saw, from F-2 nibbling on F-4 to F-2 nibbling on F-0. It’s a series of scenes too horrific for their tiny brains to comprehend.

You look at F-2 and say.

“What are you going to do with the rest of your brothers and sisters?”

“Can mistah be new daddeh fo bwuddah an sissy too?dey gud fwuffie.”

“If that’s what you want, then as you wish.”

“Fank ou, shinin mistah”

“You can call me Duo.”

“Uh… “Uh…uh…fank ou,mistah… .fank ou,mistah Duo.”

After the conversation, you lift and toss the F-0 into the depths of the alley with your nimbus.

“What gon do wiff bad mean mummah?”

“Leaving her here to rot with her hellish eggs, the broken front legs, rib bones, abdominal and breast wounds will slowly and painfully kill her, and she will ultimately die from hunger and infection.During this period, I will be by her side harvesting the negative energy she generates.”

F-2 froze for a moment, a flicker of horror in his eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, you just did the right thing for yourself, you are good fluffy.”

F-2 breathes a sigh of relief and looks at you with her own wide eyes, happily saying

“Mistah Duo, what shouwd fluffy do nao?”

“Well, Let’s go home first.”

This is the modified appearance of F-2, with strengthened muscles and bones, thicker skin, harder hair, enhanced nervous system, longer legs than a regular foal, and resembling a small dog(He looks a bit like a Chihuahua).

F-2 has been transformed into a biological torture tool by Duo, and in the future, it will be used to torture and kill fluffy. He can tear off the flesh from other puffy bodies piece by piece, while ensuring that the victim survives for a considerable amount of time in the process. It is also possible to quickly massacre the entire Herd. The F-2 will be larger in size as an adult.

In this story, F-2 is just a code name that is easy for readers to distinguish. It was later named F-Tool-1 by Duo and will appear in subsequent chapters as Duo’s servant and tool.

The author of this painting is @karge, who is one of the best artists at our Fluffy Community China Branch, and her works are as excellent as ever.


Dude, this is WILD. Really enjoyable story, though a bit hard to follow. It’s difficult to follow terms like F-0, F-1, etc.

I don’t know which Chinese language or dialect is your first language, but I really enjoyed seeing the original vs English. (I studied Han Yu many, many years ago, though I only remember a little.)

Overall, I think the translation could be improved by a native English speaker. The grammar is unusually good for a new writer, even through translation.

Keep writing. I’d like to see more from you. Xie xie!


Why do I keep finding you everywhere I go?! Are you stalking me?! B-Baka!

Me, or Censored?

You of course.

Yeah, I kinda pop up where I’m not needed. XD

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They’ve been reproducing through mitosis.

My worst nightmare has come true. Brother, get the flamer. The HEAVY FLAMER!

Can I fart in that?

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The scene of The Thing has become a reality. :melting_face:

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Your fart can be used to strengthen the flame of the flamer


Woah, this was amazing! Thanks so much for writing it!