Demonic Fluffies: The Depraved Mother by Mikahorsie

Demon Fluffies: The Depraved Mother.

A being manifested from the wanton desires of the flesh… They prey upon the Horny Stallions , making them irresistible to any stallion Fluffies who smelled her scent regardless of age.

A demonic curse that manifests whenever there lots of sexual depravity happening nearby.

Enfie Babbehs and Enfie Mare’s would die peacefully whenever she manifests.


im imagining roumors or folk songs of a kind would form around her. to teach smarties to not be mean, and to raise the spirrits and hope of a peaceful death for enfie mares and babys.
a surviver sees, or someone as a small foal.
and it spreads. a song to fluffies who wish for her blessing, or who wish her curse onto others.
Smarties clamed she’s not real, enfie mares hope she is, as she’s their last hope.
Heck, maybe survivors who lived by chance worship her as a goddess.


. . . .clap trap


Reminds me of a different artist
God i wish i didnt

Does her ass have teeth too?