Dencie babbeh am... confuse. (by: artist-kun)


…not sure if kill or not.

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We need a fluffy version of that Squinting Fry meme.

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It’s seen stuff. That thousand-yard stare is the giveaway.

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I think there is a “shut up and take my weggies” somewhere in AK’s gallery.


I think we all have.
That’s why we are here.

Yeah, but that wouldn’t work for this.

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Kill, clean, skin, butcher, eat.

A babbeh face when you explain that he is not actually dancing but rytmically moving as a hardwired response, like much like the rest of its other responses to stimuli, to cope with separation anxiety enginered by Hasbio in order to avoid awkwardly shaking foals and get adorable dancing pets instead… and that now you will cut its leggies and make him an enfie toy.

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Dance all you want, buddy. Mummah will never love you.

…poopies. Did mummah weave da stove on?

What inhuman thoughts or complete lack of them swirl in that noggin of his.