The foal was disgusting anyway.
On the one hand, her bigotry is a problem that needs to be addressed.
On the other, those scars on her body suggests that her want for “pretty” foals is out of desperation rather than just regular aesthetics.
Love it
I see another candidate for this disease that I made for a fluffy. It’s a mental Disease I called Baby craze syndrome We’re a fluffy Babies so badly that they kill pretty much any baby that doesn’t fit their ideal of pretty or steal another mares babies they’re pretty and she believes they belong to her
@7svendye That sounds amazing, bro! And yes, I think it fits perfectly.
Here’s my community post
It also affects stallions too
Someone’s got an overgrown sense of her own value.
Yes, she does
When it comes to BCS she’s gonna regret what she did to that baby and she tries to hug it to back to life
Dumbassss lol
Youre not pretty yourself bitch
Another brown fluffy showing it’s true colors
It could be a sad story if she wasn’t a murderous little twit.Poor foals .
It’s hard to feel sorry for someone after they cold-bloodedly murdered a newborn.
Did she even look at herself? What a demanding and deranged mare, hope she will never have any foals ever!
Nice paneling on the story also
lol. lmao even
By the way, one question, is it your baby? Why there are several reasons that make it suspicious 1._ it is rare that they only have one 2._ it is a very pretty baby and Although there are always the recessive genes it is somewhat suspicious 3._ the absence of her “special friend” it is rare that she is not around plus if she is just born it is very clean and very exposed.
One of 2 either she is the enfie mare of the herd and having a cute baby is her attempt to get out of that stratum or she is crazy ,steals babies and after the hormonal stimulus wears off she gets disappointed in them and kills them.
That is a very, very scary. Thought man kudos on you for drawing that certain scenario.
@mario1992 the estimate @7svendye has an interesting theory about it.
Take her other eye and legs. Then toss her at some wild dogs.