Dia a dia en la perrera Cap 3 (mario1992)

Te volteas y ves a la descripcion clasica de la Karen ,con su pelo rubio ,leggins ,2 crias mal vestidas y con lentes de sol que no son capaces de ocultar la mirada de desprecio que te aborda.

“Buenos dias ¿en que le puedo ayudar?”

“Es una verguenza que un lugar venda productos de tan mala calidad,pero que esperaba de un lugar en un barrio de tan baja plusvalia”

“Buenos dias ¿en que le puedo ayudar” repito de manera recalcitrante sin tener en cuenta el comentario innescesario

Ella dandose cuenta que no dijo nada sobre su inconformidad al fin comenta su queja “este fluffie que me vendieron esta defectuoso ,no ha querido jugar y mi hijo se fastidio de el ,solo lleva una semana con nosotros”

Reviso al potro ,no parece dañado pero veo en su mirada miedo ,inspecciono sus cascos y veo la respuesta pequeños puntos que indican que se han estando usando agujas para dañar sus cascos,muy ingenioso,posiblemente este no es la primera victima del mocoso,pero la politica del lugar es “El cliente tiene la razon mientras pague” por lo que procedo a decirle

“Por su puesto señora ,tenemos la politica de satisfaccion si no esta feliz con su potro en el periodo de 30 dias posterior a su cuota de adopcion se acepta hacer un cambio por un porcentaje del costo de parte de nuestro albergue le doy una sincera disculpa”

La señora me mira con una cara de incredulidad,no cree posible que sea tan facil,si supiera que la cuota de adopcion original amortigua si viniera por un potro nuevo cada semana no se quedaria tan estupefacta

“Entonces … ¿puedo escojer uno nuevo para mi hijo ?”

“Si sin ningun problema,presenteme su ticket de compra y empiezo con el tramite” me lo entrega y veo "Potro de grado B terrestre sin lesiones ,buen comportamiento " le contesto amablemente"correcto ,en un momento un compañero le enseña los corrales para que pueda escoger uno nuevo "

Mientrase un compañero se lleva a la señora un nuevo elemento me comenta

“Wow como lidiaste tan rapido y facil” me fijo en su mirada de impresion

“Jajaja no es la primera loca que atiendo ,a largo plazo uno aprende que es mucho mejor darle por su lado y finjir que tiene razon,eso les duele mucho mas que pelear con ella,hablando de eso (mirando al potro que sigue succionando su casco ) hay que procesar esta DEVOLUCION” todos los potros en piso de venta se alarman

“que paso ,¿por que se asustan tanto ?”

“¿Cuanto tiempo llevas aqui?”

“es mi primera semana”

“Ok ,es normal,poco a poco entenderas vamos a reintegrar a este muchacho” Acaricio su melena

Bajo hasta el sotano ,alli hay una habitacion sola aislada e insonorizada con una trampilla con una persiana de plastico ya decolorada por los años de uso

sin ceremonia previa le tuerzo el cuello al potro y lo lanzo por la misma trampilla ,solo puedo observar la cara de sorpresa del compañero

"¿Que chingados hiciste? ¿ no dijiste que lo ibas a devolver? ¿que clase de enfermo eres? "

"En primera no soy un enfermo soy tu superior ,llevo mucho mas tiempo aqui y se como se manejan las cosas aqui y en segunda ese potro ya era irrecuperable,el trauma lo haria desconfiando con los humanos,seria mucho mas dificil de encontrarle un hogar y sinceramente es una perdida de tiempo "

“Pero pero… A lo mejor habria alguien que si pudiera hacerlo.”

Interrumpiendolo “¿que? ¿alguien con el corazon sangrante que dedicaria todo su tiempo y dinero para recobrar la confianza de un potro cuando literalmete hay cientos mas lindos y menos traumatizados en este mismo lugar ,recapacita no todo es flores y arcoiris muchacho ,esta es la vida real y en este lugar como todo organismo subsidiado por el gobierno se busca disminuir gastos ,asi que acostumbrate o renuncia,por que son tus unicas opciones”

"Me quejare debe haber gente que considere esto mal "

"Hazlo muchacho,lo unico que te apoyaran son los desequilibrados que piensan que estos juguetes merecen todo solo por el hecho de decirte que merecen ‘abazos y amod’ ,pero cuando lleves tiempo aqui y veas a tu primer potro violado por su propio padre o la primera madre que asesine a su hijo por ser diferente, y no te digo el concepto de esclavitud que tienen con los colores menos favoritos,obligados a ser el equivalente a esclavos come mierda y putas comunales "

“Pero son animales ,no es su culpa ser asi”

“Deja de decir que son animales,esa es la Puta excusa que todos los defensores dicen ‘es su instinto no lo hacen con maldad’,te dire se como es la naturaleza ,se que en ella tambien hay violaciones y asesinatos pero, ¿sabes que no he visto que suceda en ningun otro organismo ademas del ser humano y esas anormalidades?”

Un poco mas sereno y con la cabeza mas fria me dice “¿que …señor?”

“Esa puta cara de satisfaccion de creer que tenian el derecho de hacer la monstruosidad que hicieron”

Algo explosivo este episodio ,todavia estoy buscando mi camino,pero mas que nada me sirve de catarsis,como siempre acepto criticas,y disculpe que no agregara dialogo al potro ando un poco desanimado por el dialogo fluffie .peeo no queria dejar mas tiempo con la historia detenida.

Google Translation

You turn around and see the classic description of Karen, with her blonde hair, leggings, two poorly dressed children and sunglasses that are not able to hide the look of despondency that addresses you.

“Good morning, how can I help you?”

“She It is a shame that a place sells products of such poor quality, but what did she expect from a place in a neighborhood with such low value”

“Good morning, how can I help you?” I repeat recalcitrantly without taking into account the unnecessary comment.

Realizing that she did not express her dissatisfaction, she finally comments on her complaint “this fluffie that they sold me is defective, he has not wanted to play and my son got annoyed with him, he has only been with us for a week.”

I check the colt, he doesn’t seem damaged but I see fear in his eyes, I inspect his hooves and see the small dots that indicate that needles have been used to damage his hooves. Very ingenious, possibly this is not the brat’s first victim, but The policy of the place is “The customer is right as long as he pays” so I proceed to tell him.

“Of course, ma’am, we have a satisfaction policy. If you are not happy with your foal in the 30-day period after your adoption fee, it is acceptable to make an exchange for a percentage of the cost on behalf of our shelter. I sincerely apologize. ”

The lady looks at me with a face of disbelief, she does not believe it is possible that she is so easy, if she knew that the original adoption fee cushions if she came for a new foal every week she would not be so dumbfounded

“So… can I pick a new one for my son?”

“Yes without any problem, present me your purchase receipt and I will start the process” he hands it to me and I see “Grade B terrestrial foal without injuries, good behavior” and I politely answer “correct, in a moment a colleague shows him the corrals so I can pick a new one”

While a colleague takes the lady a new item he tells me

“Wow, how you dealt with it so quickly and easily” I noticed his impressed look.

"Hahaha, she’s not the first crazy woman I’ve seen, in the long run you learn that it’s much better to take her side and pretend she’s right, that hurts a lot more than fighting with her, speaking of which (looking at the colt that continues sucking her helmet) this RETURN must be processed” all the foals on the sales floor are alarmed

“What happened, why are you so scared?”

“How long have you been here?”

“It’s my first week”

“Ok, it’s normal, little by little you will understand, we are going to reinstate this boy.” I caress his hair.

Down to the basement, there is a single isolated and soundproof room with a trapdoor with a plastic blind already discolored by years of use.

During the previous ceremony, I twist the colt’s neck and throw it through the same trapdoor. I can only observe the surprised face of my companion.

“What the fuck did you do? Didn’t you say you were going to return it? What kind of sick person are you?”

“First of all, I’m not sick, I’m your superior, I’ve been here much longer and I know how things are handled here, and secondly, that colt was already unrecoverable, the trauma would be caused by distrusting humans, it would be much more difficult to find a home for him.” And honestly it’s a waste of time."

“But but… Maybe there would be someone who could do it.”

Interrupting him “what? Someone with a bleeding heart who would dedicate all their time and money to regain the trust of a colt when there are literally hundreds prettier and less traumatized in this same place, think again, not everything is flowers and rainbows boy, this is real life and in “This place, like any government-subsidized organization, seeks to reduce expenses, so get used to it or give up, because they are your only options.”

“I will complain, there must be people who consider this bad”

“Do it boy, the only thing that will support you are the unbalanced ones who think that these toys deserve everything just for the fact of telling you that they deserve ‘abuelos y amod’, but when you have been here for a while and you see your first foal raped by its own father or the first mother to murder her son for being different, and I’m not telling you the concept of slavery they have with their least favorite colors, forced to be the equivalent of shit-eating slaves and communal whores.”

“But they are animals, it is not their fault to be like that.”

“Stop saying that they are animals, that is the fucking excuse that all defenders say ‘it is their instinct, they do not do it with evil’, I will tell you what nature is like, I know that there are also rapes and murders in it but, do you know? that I have not seen happen in any other organism besides the human being and those abnormalities?”

A little more serene and with a cooler head he tells me “what… sir?”

“That fucking satisfied face of believing that they had the right to do the monstrosity they did”

This episode is somewhat explosive, I’m still looking for my way, but more than anything it serves as a catharsis, as always I accept criticism, and I’m sorry I didn’t add dialogue to the colt, I’m a little discouraged by the fluffy dialogue

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yo fijo seria el superior y todavia le diria y apurate que tenemos que hacer 5 litel pal para esta tarde xD

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