Dinner for One. Part 3. (MalkenSilverlion)

Filbert had hoped that the green stallion would make the ‘right’ call. He hadn’t wanted to drag the colt out by stabbing him through the hips. Not out of any compassion, of course. He just wanted the three larger males for his own pleasure. He would have settled for two, and mulched the colt if necessary. But this way was better. If the colt obeyed, of course.

Which he did, with a nervous and reluctant tone. “Daddeh,” a pause, and then a shift in position, as the green maned colt stuck his head out through the bushes. “N…nice mister Fiwbewt. Cowt commin. Nu huwtie stick, pwease.” The colt came all of the way out, and then sat on his rear, with his head down.

Again, cute, and again, the blond human chuckled. “Hurty stick? Okay, that’s fair.” He pushed the fork, tines down, into the ground near his feet, and ignored the slowly building tide of tearful insults that the orange stallion was starting to voice again. He did take note of how the pegasus was trying to calm the orange one down. He still seemed to believe that Filbert might not kill them all.

But he just reached down and grabbed the colt by the back of the neck, and picked him up, leaving his pitchfork behind, before heading to the back door. “Nu, ba…” the colt stopped himself. Maybe he was trying to act like his father? Now that he had all of the worth while males, he might find out a few things. Only for his own enjoyment, naturally.

It wasn’t hard to open the back door with the fluffies in his hands. He was pretty much a pro at this, and could have done it with four fluffies. Besides, only one of them was even trying to struggle right now. The orange one, who was right now accusing Filbert of being a baby killer. Which was fair, and didn’t anger Filbert in the least.

Once he got the door open, however, the orange fluffy stopped complaining, at least for a moment. Filbert assumed that if he knew what was coming, he would be doing more, not less, complaining. As things stood, there was a moment of silence before he placed them all in the plastic lined box, with a built in drain that went down into the sewer pipes. It wasn’t too deep, but, it was deep enough for what he needed. A place to hold them temporarily as he started up the machine that was next to the tub. Well, one of the two machines in the same room, right near the back door.

Those had cost a pretty penny, but since he and Elliot knew they would be getting a lot of use from them, and pretty much equal use from them, they had split the price fifty-fifty. As far as the brown eyed human was concerned, they were well worth it.

As he closed the mesh lid over the top of the holding tub, he then turned a dial to high power setting, and another to a luke warm temperature setting. That done, he could heard the sound of the pipes and internal tanks beginning to fill with water. It would take a little while to get to it’s ready state, and that was fine. Because he still had some work to do on the fluffies.

Looking down at them through the mesh, he could directly meet the gazes of the two adult fluffies. The angry violet gaze of the toughie, and the worried, green gaze of the leader. The colt didn’t look up, and was sniffling.

His father wasn’t, and seemed to have gotten the orange one to shut up, at least for a while. “Mistew Fiwbewt, pwease nu do this. Wawa b…”

Filbert started talking too, as he knew what was coming as soon as he heard the ‘wah’ sound at the beginning of the second sentence. “Wawa bad for fluffies. Come on. It’s not. You’ve been in rain. You’re ferals. I KNOW you’ve been wet before.”

The pegasus paused again. Filbert liked that. He liked how the green stallion was trying to articulate his thoughts, and how he was taking the time to arrange them. Oh, he had other fluffies do it before. But, most of the stallions he had in this tub, or anywhere else really, just started to bawl or beg, just spilling forth whatever was in their heads without really thinking of how effective a particular wording might be. It was nice to get some that were a little more thoughtful.

“Yus. That is twue, Mistew Fiwbewt. But, pwease nu fiww boxie with wawa. That bad fow fwuffies.” His tone was polite still, but there was an undertone of fear and sorrow to it, as well as desperation. The fluffy clearly thought he knew what was going to happen. Sweet. Now, Filbert could play the…not good guy, exactly. But not AS horrible guy.

"Hey, hey, hey. I get it. You think that I’m going to pour water in here, and keep this lid shut, and watch all three of you drown. " He laughed a little, which made the pegasus flinch, the toughie clench his jaws, and the colt hunker down even more. Wow, Filbert didn’t think his laugh sounded sinister. But, whatever. “I’m NOT going to do that. I promise. And hey, I haven’t lied to you, have I?”

The green eyed daddy fluffy paused before admitting. “Nu…nu, Mistew Fiwbewt nu wie to hewd.” He paused after that, and looked down, and seemed to be deep in thought. And that was also okay, as the human needed to do a few things. He reached into the cabinet opposite of fluffy storage bin, and took out six big clear bottles, filled with a saline solution, and that had long thin nozzles at the end of them, and lined then up along the top of the first machine. He then put new gloves on, and opened the lid, and reached down, grabbing the scowling orange fluffy by the waist.

“NU! NU WAN UPSSIES FROM BAD MONSTA! NO WAN…NU, NU LIKE!” He flipped the fluffy upside down, and grabbed one of the enemas, and first flipped the orange tail away from the feral’s butthole. “Wuh? Wuh! Nu wook at poopie pw…NU NU! NU DO!” Of course, Filbert paid no heed, and slowly, but firmly squeezed the entire contents of the first bottle into the thrashing orange fluffies ass, before putting him back down into the pen with the others.

The green stallion seemed horribly confused “Why mistew…” And then he too was grabbed, inverted, and let out a plaintive plea of “Pwease, Mistew Fiwbewt, nu look…it make fwuffy feew…eeeeeeeEEEEE!” He took took a bowel load of saline solution, and was put back into the pen, even as the orange one was lying on his size, emptying himself.

Then it was time for the colt. He just whimpered a little, but, when filbert moved the long green tail aside, there was no complaint. No expression of embarrassment. No asking for an aversion of gaze. Indeed, the colt looked back at him, for just a moment, before closing his eyes.

Filbert had thought as much. While most fluffies very much did NOT want a sexual encounter with a human, some did. And that was not a design flaw. It was a feature. The corporation who made the cartoon these creatures were based on had full access to the internet, just like every other major corporation. It was clear the a meaningful part of the adult fan base had a sexual interest in the show’s characters. And while children might grow out of certain cartoon or toy line, and adult who had an interest in such a thing would likely have it forever.

Plus, adults were where the money really came from, anyway. A kid could ask, beg, threaten, or whatever they wanted. But, they couldn’t come up with an minimum of five grand on their own, unless their parents were fabulously rich and gave out huge allowances. And even that, ultimately came from an adult.

Adults, on the other hand, usually had jobs, and could save up for a fluffy that would suit their needs, whatever they were. So, in the end, adults were always the real targeted demographic for the creation of the fluffies, if perhaps not the original cartoon. And some of those adults wanted a fluffy to fuck.

Not most of them, but enough of them that the company would be throwing away millions or more if they didn’t make sure at least SOME of their merchandise were psychologically accepting and even desiring sex with humans. Naturally, they had to be physically capable of surviving gentle intercourse as well. Of course, more important than that was to make sure that a fluffy never brought up the subject unless a human did first.

Now that they were feral and loose, anyone who cared to know could easily discover how to tell if a fluffy was potentially open to such a relationship. No complaining about their assholes or genitals being looked at, and you had you’re answer.

Of course, Filbert didn’t really need to worry about willingness. He was going to fuck some stallions, and whether they were in the for or against camp wouldn’t change the blond’s mind. And in the present, he gently shook the colt until he barfed into the tub, not aiming for any of the fluffies, but hitting the orange one a bit anyway. He then made sure to douche out the colt, who did whine at that part, before depositing him back into the pen, while the orange fluffy panted, still on his side, and the daddeh fluffy groaned as he pressed his hooves against his abdomen, not even asking any questions at this point.

With the machine still getting ready, and the fluffies occupied with their own issues, he took off his gloves, and went to one of the bathrooms, and washed his hands carefully, before giving himself a brief shower. After drying off, he went back to the kitchen, and began to chop up some herbs, measure out some vinegar, brown mustard, and molasses, and get out some garlic for the garlic press. He had some time to deseed and chop up some jalapenos. Not a lot, just a few. He wanted a bit of spice with his fluffy, not a bit of fluffy with his spice.

He heard the ding that indicated the first machine was ready to go, and headed back to the back room, and frowned at the smell. But, it was to be expected. With new gloves on once again, he picked up the unhappy orange fluffy, and placed him on a small conveyer belt, putting his feet into the small holes in the belt, before adjusting them for tightness, making sure the orange toughie was secure. He did the same for the green stallion, and then the colt. Once they were all secure, he turned on the machine. “Okay, guys. Be back in a little while.” He turned on the faucet in the holding pen to get rid of the waste, and then he left, but could hear them complaining, and then screaming as the machine began to work.

As for himself, he decided to a watch few cooking videos online that dealt with fluffy meat.

It had been rough going, getting his orange friend to stop fighting. In the end, he had to mention the fact that the human might shake the toughie again, and if he did, their tails might come right off of their bodies. That had been enough to pacify his herd mate long enough for the green stallion to get his colt to emerge from hiding. He didn’t like that. He would have preferred that his colt had gotten away. He would have REALLY preferred that ALL of them had gotten away.

It was clear to the stallion, though, that there was no getting away from Mister Monster unless said Mister Monster allowed them to get away. Which might still happen. It might. He wasn’t sure…what life would be like without his special friend…and his toughie’s special friend, or the babbehs. In fact, he wasn’t sure if he’d even HAVE a toughie friend after all of this. But, he still had to try. That was what a good herd leader did.

He was about to rewarn the orange fluffy of the danger of mouthing off to the human, when they entered the house. It was a shocking, exciting moment for all of them, despite there recent loses. This was the first time in a housie. A REAL housie. Not some box, or crate, or hole. A real housie. No, it wasn’t enough to take away the pain of their loses, or the fear of what might come…but it was enough to quiet them for a time.

This was where they belonged. Their kind. They belonged in places like this, and they all knew it, even the his orange fluffy friend. Sure, the green stallion was hanging by his tail, looking at the world from an uncomfortable vantage point, but he saw walls with images of flowers on them, a white ceiling, and door ways. Three round lightbulbs in the ceiling. Black and white tiles beneath them, and…hmmm…what were those other…oh, a big sorry box.

Or at least, maybe it was a sorry box. He had never been in one before, but he knew what they were. This was much bigger, even considering all three of them were in it at once. Plus, they still had light, coming in from above even after Mister Monster closed the lid. In fact, he could see just fine. He could also hear just fine, and sighed as his friend began to work himself up again.

The pegasus wasn’t angry at him. Not even a little bit. He was upset right now, too. He knew that his orange friend had every right be to sad, to be wrathful. The herd leader was having a hard time keeping himself together. He wanted to cry, to yell, to pound his hoofies against something. He also knew that there was no way they could ‘upset’ mister monster away. It didn’t work like that.

So, they both looked up at the seemingly friendly man, and as the green eyed fluffy tried to find the right words, they all heard something bad. Water. No, not that drinking water was bad, but they couldn’t swim. And the sound indicated that there was a lot of water moving around, close by.

He could imagine it. He didn’t know why, but he could imagine it. Somehow, Mister Monster would fill this whole…hole…with water. They would thrash, and TRY to swim. But they would fail, and die. So, he did the only thing he could do. He called out. He began to plead, only to be cut off midway through.

And yes, he had to think about Mister Monster’s words. Of course, they had been wet before. He hadn’t meant that ALL water was bad for fluffies. But the amount he could hear made it sound that they wouldn’t be able to survive it, when Mister Monster decided to…oh?

No. No, it was true. Mister Monster Filbert hadn’t lied to them. He had killed the mares and babbehs, but he hadn’t lied. He thought hard over their conversation, and, he didn’t remember a single lie. That was certainly cause for hope. He thought for a moment, and although it felt like a form of betrayal, he did want to thank Mister Filbert for being honest. Plus, it gave him something with which he could work.

Suddenly, his orange friend was up in the air, yelling at Mister Monster, and then his tone shifted. Became more pleading. What was happening up there? He could KIND of see that his orange friend was upside down, but what was Mister Monster doing?

He didn’t have time to ask his friend what had happened, before he too was hoisted up, and THEN he knew. At least the first part. “Pwease, nice mistew, nu look…it make fwuffy feew…eeeeeeeEEEEE!” It would have been better if it had just been a look. As embarrassing as that had been, the slight pain, and then the strange and unwelcome feeling of his abdomen being filled with cool liquid made him squeal.

After he was put back in the pen, and his whole insides felt like they were about to rush out, he tried to hold on just a bit as his colt was lifted up. He was pretty sure this wouldn’t be as rough on his blue son as it had been for him, and he was right, on some levels. His son voiced no concerns about his modesty. But then, he never had. The green father fluffy had noticed a few things about his colt over the last month and a half of his life.

He had never pressed his tail more firmly over his poopie place or special lumps when he was being looked at by a human. Or rather, when he was being looked at by a MALE human. Naturally, they had been careful around humans, but sometimes they had to run, to avoid something being thrown at them. But other times, humans might just look at them, and if the green stallion noticed any particular gaze looking too long at his rump in particular, he would put his tail down. But not so for his son.

That had made him feel a little bit bad for his colt. He might not ever have a special friend, unless he also liked stallions. And the daddeh fluff wasn’t certain that he did. But, that was okay. He could still be a toughie. He was big, and strong, and he could be wise some day.

At least, the green stallion still held onto that hope as he watched his son vomit, and then begin grunting as he was returned. And the next…well, he didn’t know how long it was, but for a while, it was bad. It hurt. He had never, EVER had to relieve himself this much, this fast. He felt like part of his body might just come out with all the foulness.

It didn’t, and as they all lay panting, they heard a strange sound. A few moments later, Mister Monster was back. Again, they were lifted up. Their feet and leggies placed in strange holes, and Mister Monster told them he’d be back soon, which…might be a good thing, this time, as they were moving.

Into another strange box, that had a few dim lights in it. But those dim lights were much less important than all the water. Water, everywhere. So much water that it hurt.
Pounding on then from above, blasting them from below. Cold water striking their face in the front, and jetting at their rears hard enough that even trying to press his tail against his poopie place did nothing.

The toughie in front was crying now. And…so was he. And his colt. This was too much. It was just too much. It was worse than the worst sky wawas. It was everywhere. It was almost like being underwater, not that he knew what THAT felt like. But it was scary, and it stung, and he had no idea how long it would last.

And then…it was over.

They were out. It took him a moment to catch his breath, and he wiggled. His toughie friend just wept, and so did his colt. No harsh judgements there, but now that they were out, maybe he could…no. No, his leggies were still stuck. And now Mister Monster was back.

That blond hair. Those brown eyes. That smile. Why did it have to be like this? “See, guys, I said I’d be right back.” A pause. “You guys look…cleaner.” He brought his big hands together, making a sharp smacking sound. “Ok, round two.”

The pegasus watched as his toughie was picked up, who was still sobbing, but less so than before…and his green eyes widened. No…again? Yes, it seemed like they were not done with this, because another of those bad bottles was brought down, and pushed into his friend’s poopie place. This time, there was just sobbing. No complaints about being looked at, and back into the pen.

Then it was his turn “Nu…Mistew Fiwbewt. Fwuffy sowwy. Nu kno how fwuffies made Mistew Fiwbewt so angwy…pwease, pwease nu…ooofff.” And there it was again. In his poopie place. It didn’t HURT exactly. Well, a little. But it felt bad. Being being filled up with so much fluid…it didn’t feel good at all. When he was placed back in the hole, he didn’t bother trying to hold back this time. He didn’t know WHY this was happening, but, he knew that while it would be uncomfortable, it would be over before too horribly long. And then his colt was returned to him. He wanted to hug both his colt and his toughie…and he wanted to be hugged in return. But, not right then. Right then, he just needed to feel empty again.

“Okay guys, over half way there. But, I need give you guys something else.” And once again, they were picked up. There was just more sobbing, and then a choking sound, and then the orange toughie spit something sharp smelling into the hole, narrowly missing them. Then, the green stallion. He wasn’t sure what to do, so, he just went limp when a smaller bottle, filled with a green liquid, and a tip smaller than the one that was used on his poopie place was put before his face. The pegasus didn’t fight back when the tip was pushed into his muzzle, though he did wiggle around as a bad fluid filled his mouth. It burned…just a little, and it had a very VERY strong flavor. He gagged on it, and felt himself inverted over the hole again.

He was pleased, at least, to not have caught his colt with what he spit into the tub.

He watched his toughie being lifted out of the hole yet again. When it was his turn, the pegasus didn’t beg this time when he was placed in the leg holes that went to the loud, bad wawa place. His colt, after receiving the same treatment as his green fluffed father, did some, and in front of him, he could hear and see his orange friend whimper. But, he didn’t. It would hurt a little bit. It would feel bad. But Mister Monster would be back. He had come back before, and what was more, he had said this was the last time. He knew what to expect, and closed his eyes, and let the water come. It was still awful…but it ended, just as before.

And as before, Mister Monster came back. A new grin on his human face. “There. Empty and clean. Now, I need to get you dry.”

The pegasus agreed internally. Being dry would be VERY nice. But, they were not going back to the hole. They were going to a different place in the same room, and now he did whimper, because he didn’t know what this new metal monster would do. Perhaps sensing the cause behind the whimpering, Mister Monster spoke to him.

“Hey, it’s going to be really warm, and really loud, and really windy. But you’ll all be nice and dry afterwards.”

The green pegasus could only respond “Otay.” He would have to trust Mister Monster. He didn’t have a choice. All of their feet were once again placed in to holes, starting with the orange toughie, himself, and then his colt. And this time, they were pulled through a white place, that was brighter. And warmer, even starting to get hot. But, it was loud too, like that last metal monster. And there was SO much wind. As much wind as there had been water in the last one. This time, it felt like it was taking so much longer than the last.

But, it was true. At the end, he was dry. So was his colt. So was his toughie. And that was nice, but they were grabbed by their tails and carried away again, somewhere deeper into the housie. And he was just so exhausted, he could barely look around. But he knew they were being taken down, somewhere. They came to a door, which Mister Monster opened…and inside, it looked…nice. Blue on the walls. Green on the floor, and lights like back in the other place. Mister Monster put them down now, and the three of them collapsed, and while the door was closed, the stallion wouldn’t have even tried to run if it had been open.

He was so tired. He didn’t even have the energy to stand. Still, he turned his head, and blinked his green eyes slowly, when Mister Monster spoke again. “I know you are all thirsty. I can help with that.” He took a dish off of a ledge that was way too high for any of them to reach, and walked over to a sink. The daddeh knew what THAT was. Inside, he knew what most of the things inside a housie were called. He heard water again, but he knew it was just the sink, and even better, he figured out what Nice Mister Filbert was doing.

He was giving them water to drink, and the stallion hadn’t even realized how thirsty he was. He felt so dry and sick inside, and knew he needed to drink. So, when the bowl was placed between them, they all managed to crawl over to it, and slake their thirst. It seemed not to just be water, though. There was a bit of a fruity taste, and some sweetness. It was…good.

Then Mister Filbert spoke again “Need to do a few things. When I come back, I’ll have some fun with you. See you soon.”

Before Mister Filbert left, the pegasus looked at him, and nodded his head. “T…thank you…Mistew Fiwbewt.” He was met with a grin, and then the closing of the door as Mister Filbert left again.

Internal cleansing. External body washing in the semi industrial fluffy washer. Another cleansing, then a mouth washing, and another body washing. Then, one time through the fluff drier.

Finally, the fluffies were clean, their coats nice again, and they had that nice freshly bathed fluffy smell. Ah, so much nicer than when they had been carried in from the garden. Because, Filbert had found them to be more than a little bit rank. They could get so dirty outside, and on their own, they didn’t practice too much in the way of hygiene, even if they technically preferred to be clean.

Filbert knew they were exhausted. The enemas tended to make them dehydrated, and the washing and drying was emotionally rough on the fluffies…although he did notice that the green pegasus had taken the second time through the washer without crying. Still, Filbert knew he had really taxed the feral males.

Good. They might be more compliant to his wants. Although, they wouldn’t be able to fight him off even if they had been at full strength.

With them cleaned, and down in his personal play room, which was right next to Elliot’s playroom, he was really starting to get into the mood. Oh, he had been in a state of mild anticipation ever since he spotted them in the back yard, but now that he knew what he was dealing with, he was starting to tent up again. Especially when the green one actually thanked him. He was glad he went the extra mile and added a bit of melon juice and vanilla extract to the water, as well as a little bit of sugar.

He cleaned out part of the refrigerator, to make room for what he wanted to add later. Then back to the holding pen, which he quickly washed out, and poured some bleach into, and then as he was about to spray some air freshener, he got a text from his brother.

“Filby. Hot girl. Cool to bring home?”

“RPN FWFS. She cool with the sound?”

“Doubt it. Getting hotel room at White Dove. C U tomorrow.”


So, his brother wouldn’t be coming home at all tonight. He’d make sure to make breakfast in the morning. Not that he had to do so. They were in the habit of calling each other when they wanted to bring a date home. While nothing they did was illegal, and in truth, most people didn’t care TOO much about what happened to ferals, there was a difference between not caring what someone did in their spare time, and actually listening to it happening.

Well, anyway, the fridge was ready. Most of the meal prep work was ready. He finished cleaning the holding tub. Some of his tools were already down stairs, so, he might as well get the show on the road. He was horny, and hungry. So, it was time to get back down and have some fun.

In the play room, the fluffies were feeling a little bit better. Physically. But not as much emotionally. With the immediate danger seemingly out of the way, the orange fluffy had started to work himself back up again.

The green pegasus could see it coming, and understood. Just to make sure that if things got really bad, and he hoped they wouldn’t…but if things did get really bad…well, he wanted his colt to be safe. So, he made sure to place himself between the other two survivors.

Then it came. It started out on a merely verbal level, “You awe dummie! Dummie! You fauwt! Aww you fauwt speciaw fwiend and all babbehs go fowevew sweepies! Poopie smawty fwiend!” He took a few steps closer to his friend, though as the green stallion watched the approach, he felt that he was probably no one’s smarty friend any more. Not with how things stood. He still wanted to be, and still hoped that they might get out. But even if they did, he thought that his orange friend would probably go his own way.

That would be another wave of sadness, if it happened, as the orange toughie was one of his oldest friends, one who he had known even before his special friend. “AWW YOU FAUWT!” And here it would come. He’s have to take at least a few hoofies. He certainly deserved them. But, he couldn’t take too many. Not and still have any chance at…negotiation with Mister Filbert.

He HAD to be the one to try to talk to Mister Filbert. Not to alleviate his guilt, though that might be part of it. The toughie was too angry. His blue colt was too scared, which broke the daddeh stallion’s heart. That just left him, if there was any talking to be done. He had to believe something could be fixed. No, not fixed. He knew the dead didn’t come back to life. But, at least there might be a way to not be hurt or killed. And Mister Filbert had given them sweet water. He certainly didn’t have to do such a thing. So, maybe…maybe he had some kindness in his heart for them. Maybe.

He had let the orange fluffy get closer and closer to him, “Aww you fauwt fwuffy am daddeh nu mowe. You bwing hewd hewe. Say it good pwace. Say hewd safe. YOU STUPID DUMMIE!”

That wasn’t exactly true. He never said it was fully safe. He just hoped that it would be. That was all. But, the rest was right. He HAD brought them to this place, and to Mister Filbert’s attention. He had also allowed…whatever it was that had made Mister Monster so mad…to happen. So, he wasn’t going to point out the minor fallacy in the accusation when the rest of it was so clearly correct. All he could do was admit it. “Fwuffy knu. Fwuffy so so sowwy.”

“SOWWIES NU GOOD!” The orange toughie brought brought a hoof down on top of the green stallion’s yellow maned head. It made his head bob down, and made it hard to think. He didn’t catch what the other stallion was saying, as his ears were ringing, but he certainly felt the strike to the left side of his jaw.

That one hurt even more, and more over, he could taste boo boo juice in his mouth. He pushed himself back to his hoofies, not that he even remembered falling off of them. He backed away, a bit, and dodged the next strike. Which was a wise decision, because the former father fluffy had turned around, and had attempted to kick him with both back hoofies. THAT could have been lethal, if they had connected right. The green stallion did truly feel guilty for what had happened, but, he had to stop this.

He was big for a pegasus, but his former toughie was big for an earthy. So, it was a good thing daddeh fluffy was faster. Further more, while most non-fluffies of his own size, and many that were smaller, could get the better of him in a fight as a matter of course…with fluffies it was different. He had never wanted to run his herd through fear and violence, but there had been several times when other fluffies, either on their own or in a herd had attacked him and his, and he could do more than just hold his own.

He had taken too many hits, though. He didn’t want to fight his friend, but, he now realized that just standing there and taking the first few hoofies was a bad idea. Now, he was back pedaling, and not feeling as fast as usual.

“NU! NU GIVE HUWTIES TO COLT DADDEH!” He saw his colt run past him, and tackle the orange toughie, blue and orange fluff rolling together in a ball for a moment. No! This was awful. His son was big for his age, and for an earthy, but he was still a colt, and in no way was he as an experienced a fighter as this older male.

He had to break this up, NOW, and rushed while his colt seemingly had the upper hoof. He slowed down as he got closer, his head still a little dizzy, but not as much. The fully orange stallion hadn’t put as much into that first strike to the head as he could have, perhaps expecting the green male to dodge.

Things were not as they had seemed at first glance. His colt wasn’t trying to strike the toughie, but was sitting on him, and talking to him though tears. “Nu huwt daddeh! Nu daddeh fauwt! Daddeh nu do bad things. You knu. You KNO you smawty fwiend awways awways twy so hawd to do good fow herd!”

The orange fluffed and maned stallion stared up at the colt, and then quickly rolled over, pushing the younger male off of him. The green stallion was already there, and quickly, pushed his head between the two of them, using his body as a potential shield for his colt again.

His purple eyes still glaring, the orange male grunted. “Is poopie smawty fauwt babbehs, and speciaw fwiend gone fowevew sweepies. Nu wike nu mowe. YOU stay away, nu twy hewp you daddeh. Nu want huwt cowt. But nu can…”

He was cut off by the blue colt, even as the green stallion was doing his best to bodily move his offspring away. “Cowt wost mummeh. COWT WOST MUMMEH! Nu fight. Nu fighties nu mowe. Nu make mowe saddies. Nu be bad. Pwease, toughie fwiend, no be meanie.”

A lot of the fight was going out of the warm hued stallion now, it seemed. He didn’t respond directly, but walked away, and muttered something that the pegasus couldn’t make out, before spreading out on the floor. The green leader could now hear sobbing, increasing in intensity, and then wailing as the orange stallion flailed his front and back legs up and down, kicking, and crying, and screaming. No words, just emotion.

The pegasus’s colt tried to go around the green stallion, but was stopped for a moment. “Nu cowt. You wewe weawwy bwave, but nu get too cwose. Toughie stwong stiww.” But his colt just shook his head.

“It otay, daddeh. Toughie fwiend have biggest heawt huwties. Needs huggies.” And he moved around his father, walking over to the larger earthy, and being sure to stay out of the way of the flailing legs, hugged the older male around the waist…as best as he could with the toughie spread out on his front on the semi soft floor.

He was proud of his colt. He had been scared when he thought it was going to be a physical fight, but, he was relieved when it turned out that he had just wanted to give his daddeh some space, and calm the orange male down.

He was sad, too. He wanted to both give and get huggies right now. REALLY badly. But, he doubted that the orange male would want any, and he didn’t want to stir him back up again. So, he would have to deal with his own heart hurties, at least for now. But, he’d give his colt the biggest huggies as soon as he had a chance.

In the mean time, he looked around the…safe room? He had never been in one, but the walls had shades of blue in them, and the ground was blue and kind of soft, but with a sort smooth, glossy surface. He knew the hole in the corner was a drain, and he didn’t know why there would be one in the safe room. He also didn’t know why there wasn’t a litter box in here. Not that he had to use one, or had ever used one. He just knew that there SHOULD be one here if this WAS a safe room.

Most of the rest of the things seemed right, though. A TV, off at the moment. Small beds. A bigger bed…or the mattress part of the bed on the ground, human sized. Kind of out of place, along with the microwave on one of the counters. But there were two balls, a red and a yellow one. Plus a few blockies, all of them green.

This WAS a safe room, wasn’t it? It was odd, but, he had never been in one before. So, he only had his instincts to go by. BUT, the existence of a safe room could also mean hope. Because, why have a safe room, if not for fluffies? Mister Filbert had said he didn’t have any fluffles, but he had a safe room. So…so…

It meant something. He wasn’t sure just yet, but he knew it meant something. The orange toughie had stopped thrashing now, and had rolled over, and was giving huggies to the blue earthy colt. That was nice.

Then the door opened, and Mister Filbert was there. “Hi, fluffies! Told you it would be soon. Now, it’s time for me to have some fun with you guys.” He was grinning again…and taking off his shirt.

Was Mister Filbert too hot?


Oh yeah, Filbert is crazy as hell. I’m liking this series so far, the different perspectives are both fun to read.


I adore what I’m reading, and bonus points for Filbert being blond, I love blonds. Keep it up!

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Well I hope the Colt survives as I wonder if any sex changes will be done as that would definitely traumatize them lol!

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Thanks! I wanted to kind of get both sides of the story, Filbert’s and the green pegasus’s differing views and thoughts of the situation.


I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

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Jesus christ, this is actually happening


This is like a car accident I can’t look away from. I know what’s coming, know it’s gonna be weird, but I’m INVESTED


Thank you! Being invested is one of the best compliments I can receive.

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I was hoping someone would get a kick out of that.


That’s PROBABLY on several license plates in the fluffy-verse