Is there more story to this? If the two foals are brothers why is the green one still chirping and has its eyes closed? A runt? Is it a bad babbeh that has been rejected by the mother? Or does she only temporary reject it to punish it for doing bad poopsies?
- Anonymous, June 22 2014
On the original archived page, Carpdime did not give any explanation behidn the pic, leaving the commenters to only speculate (and of course, ragepost). That said, the anon comment above sums up my own questions. As such, this post is pending further verifcation from @Carpdime
Never really thought beyond this moment captured in these panels. It’s a tired trope by now but good babies make good poopies. Perhaps there is more at play here, sometimes one can feel bad about seeing someone else get punished but am helpless to stop the punishment.
I like that interpretation. It also puts the parent in a better light - perhaps the mare is just trying to discipline her foals.
Discipline that bad poopie baby.
If it’s a sensitive baby, might as well get rid of it. If not, have mom clean it up. Fuck what she wants/thinks.
I’ve quite enjoyed seeing so much of your earlier work, @Carpdime
I don’t think it shows much in mine but your stuff is what got me into fluffies and kept me creating for quite a while
Can we have the mother disciplined
a good mother, that foal should be far away from that popppie babbeh