*DISCUSSION* The fluffy ratio and what is and isn't a fluffy.

A couple of you said “let people draw what they want” and don’t see the issues, so I decided to draw a little guy that comes to mind. To those who say we need no guidelines, let me ask: Is this a valid fluffy subspecies?


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This is the original design of a subspecies attempt I once made called a Fluffaroo. It was meant to be a fluffy kangaroo, but it never took off and once I came to FC, I redesigned it to be look more like a fluffy.

If I were to use this original design for anything, it would be for an original project as the main character of a cutesy platformer or something, because it’s adorable. Just … not fluffy-related in the least.


To me that looks like something that could work as a non-fluffy biotoy, but not a true fluffy subspecies.

The newest fluffaroo (fluffyroo?) design looks like this, by the way:

It keeps the core idea of “bipedal with a pouch and tiny forelegs” but doesn’t change anything else, so it feels much more fluffy-related.

That’s kind of the ideal approach to take for subspecies. Keep it as fluffy-like as possible so that it doesn’t just look like… well… a cutesy videogame mascot. And if your first attempt isn’t fluffy enough, there’s no harm in trying again!


A fluffy is short silly and difficult to teach (note a distinction between teach and train) on average a fluffy is smaller than a golden retriever dog and larger than a british shorthair cat. The foal of a fluffy is similar in size to a rat and fits comfortably in a human hand. A fluffy has a subset of mannerisms and stock phrases they use frequently and rapidly picks up words to expand a few basic core concepts into true communication. A fluffy comes in a number of colors both dull and vibrant. A fluffy is prone to drowning. A fluffy is capable of healing from any non lethal injury with minimal care. A fluffy offers less resistance to lethal injury than most creatures. A fluffy is roughly 40% fluff by volume and is rarely as ill put together as they appear. A fluffy is fluffy they love you they trust you and they respond to how you treat them with their limited intellect. When all is said and done a fluffy is a reflection of man. A bundle of hubris and will desperately scraping out a niche in a world that persists without considering their need their will or their pleas.

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The definition of a “fluffy pony” currently in my headcannon:

A fluffy pony is a small pony like creature that loves spaghetti, and is about as intelligent as a toddler.

My opinion in what is and what is not fluffy content:

If it doesn’t have a fluffy in it, it is not fluffy content.

Also, The fluffy has to be recognizable and it has to play a notable part in the art


But that brings up the other part of the older discussion

Drawing a dot and saying it’s a fluffy, or taking a shit on a paper and calling the splattered mess a drawing of a fluffy

Another part of that was, drawing one fluffy in the background, when the rest of the piece has nothing to do with fluffies

Using fluffies as substitutes for other things is weirdly both non fluffy and fluffy content

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I fixed it


Ya know what, this part is grinding my gears, from the older discussion, I asked if that discord series I made was okay, and was told it was fine, but someone who asked if their stuff was going to be okay, can’t remember what they did, but it was a lot more fluffy related than what I was doing, and they were told no, and they had to put it in the “non-fluffy” category


What we should have would be a “is my stuff fluffy related enough” check list in the FAQ

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To me, the essential element is they are commenting on the pedigree decline of purebreeds, trendy pets, industrially farmed genetically engineered livestock etc. They have to be awkward and low dexterity and malformed somehow in a way that fundamentally limits them. The main point of fluffy to me is that fluffies have all the same mental vices, kindnesses and attitudes as humans, but are fundamentally unable to challenge them physically. This serves as the basis for story conflict that’s an allegory for how weak any individual man or woman is vs. (nature, society, bosses, God, systems of control, etc.)

Once you have genuinely long legged vigorous healthy fluffies, fluffies with human bodies that sexually appeal to humans, fluffies that kickflip the abuser into a meat grinder at the last second, anything with the independent survival capacity of a feral cat or better, you kind of ruin the core of what makes fluffies interesting to me


A potential Fluffy pet?

hasbio will sell anything that can make them more money if its attached to the fluff bois people will buy it, so why not give the fluffs there own subgenre of pets for fluffs :hmm: think stuffy freind but its alive (in the same way a fluffy is alive headcannon etc etc blah blah)

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Making a pet for a pet? Wouldn’t it be more coast effective to just sell a stuffed toy or another fluffy?

It would, but lets assume if its a “alive” pet, now you have to buy food not only for the fluffy but also for the fluffys pet, and now the fluffys pet wants his own toys and now his fluffys pet wants his own babbehs

Hasbio would make a fortune.

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If they are capable of making what is essentially a better version of a fluffy for your fluffy, why can’t i just skip the step of buying a fluffy and go straight for a pet of a fluffy?

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Program the pet to whine and compain about not having a “fluff daddeh/mummah”

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Hmm :hmm:

I guess the only issue of this concept is that you still have to make it as far from a real animal as possible. Otherwise it is pretty good


The thing that probably kills it i guess is the idea that if that becomes a thing whats stopping hasbio from going

Does your fluffy pet have a fluffy pet pet?
Does your fluffy pet pet have a fluffy pet pet pet?
Does your fluffy pet pet pet have a fluffy pet pet pet pet?



What stops them is a purchasing power of their clients. Food specifically. Pointless accessories however have no such problem


What is this, Neopets? Half the headcanons have hasbio go defunct because fluffies got released before they were done and everyone blamed the creators.

And nah, the Classic Style Fluffaroo can’t be its own thing or a special pet given to fluffies (a regular rock could fill that role). Question was specifically if it worked as a fluffy subspecies.