Distribution disruption part 2 by (that1hugboxer)

There’s been an unexpected turn of events

The fluffy unit responsible for the incident at foal-in-a-can production center (henceforth referred to as the exodus heist)

Has abducted several hasbio geneticists from their homes

The purpose is believed to be an attempt to reverse the physical modifications done to both the breeding mares and the stallions freed during the exodus heist

It is abundantly clear that the fluffy unit (henceforth referred to as Samson)
Was bred at one of our foal-in-a-can production centers

More than likely the center hit during the exodus heist

As no other centers have been hit as of this report

Even if no more facilities are hit

The fact still remains that Samson’s abilities could be spread genetically to both feral and domestic fluffies alike

If that happens

We could be facing a series of future events that dwarf the fall of Cleveland by a wide margin

I don’t think I need to tell you what happens if Samson’s origin is traced back to an official hasbio facility

More over Samson’s significantly higher reasoning skills could jeopardize fluffies status as biotoys

If biotoy status is revoked

The resulting tidal wave of lawsuits

Would best case scenario bankrupt hasbio

Worst case scenario everyone involved goes to federal prison


Starts playing “Hell’s coming with Me”