dog food [dumbiestass]

old fluffy art, sometime last year. should be more dogs eating fluffies content imo


Well, that’s not gonna be fun for that floofer, is it?

Would the fluffies-as-food tag be appropriate?


Wouldn’t something that full of feces be really bad for puppers?
Remember: Empty your fluffies before you turn them over as chew toys.


Some dogs eat their own poop and drink out of a toilet, I don’t think a fluffy would hurt them that much.


Yeah but I’m worried about the difference in gut flora. Besides, those canine stereotypes really don’t happen that much.


I don’t really understand what gut flora is, but I have a feeling your right.

And before someone else says it, yes, it depends on the headcanon.

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Mammals are symbiotic, and depend on a large culture of bacteria and other things in our intestines to digest food and help keep up healthy. But it varies. So what might normal in fluffies might make dogs sick.


I was gonna say it also depends on what animal DNA is in a fluffy, but there’s also the possibility of mutations happening between different DNA in fluffies.

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To be honest, I would worry about what kind of parasites might thrive in an artificially created animal with no precedent in the ecosystem.

In fact, in my headcanon, fluffy parasites are explosively bad.


Your opinion is important to us. Please hold for dogs eating fluffies.


Nice work @Fluffus! I am always happy to see fluffies become nummies - especially feral fluffies that would otherwise breed and destroy the environment.


Just eat something already

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…a chihuahua… Really!?! Well least its not a damn Pomeranian…

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the struggle is trying to think if fluffies would make any animal they eat very sick vs. how funny it is to watch them get eaten. my guess is these pups will probably have a bad time in the next few days tryna digest

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Looks like @anon85022604 ’s fluffy, maggot

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Damn bro he got ate up

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By the time humanity is creating artificial animals the environment is a corpse soon to be populated exclusively by artificial animals.

Besides, Fluffies don’t have the teeth, climbing, or biting power to destroy much of anything.

All they can do is cause algae blooms by shitting and dying, and methane. Both limited by their ability to get fed in the first place.

Proper sanitation practices means low feral population. As negligible as the amount of maggots allowed to be in canned food.