Donations Update (Ko-fi)

Hey again everyone.

It feels nice to report there’s been almost no drama (save for one instance) since the last post, so I just wanted to take a minute to update you all on the Donation changes moving forward.


Many of you may be familiar with the service, but starting from now on, we’ll have a Ko-fi Page you can visit. I spent a lot of time looking for alternatives, keeping feedbacks in mind as we go. Many people expressed interest in a more anonymized way to donate, and I think Ko-fi might be as close as we’re going to be able to get, given that you can anonymize your name or not even send a message at all.

It also allows for monthly donations akin to Patreon, which I know some of you have been missing, so it’s a nice way to literally just enable you to do both. There’s also no tiers, which is cool, because I never wanted people to incentivize having to reach specific thresholds.

That means for the time being, SubscribeStar is going to get removed from the navigation. Even after a month they didn’t verify the account. And given that Ko-fi can do both better, it seems like the simpler option.

As mentioned, the link is here:

But you can also find it at the top of the navigation with the coffee icon.

Have a nice Sunday.


I just realized the cup icon up there now, it’s brilliant!