Doodles and comic wips (By MeehMop)

Said I’d post some works in progress such as comics and regular doodles so here ya go.

Here is some concepts for what fluffies could be used for other than food and clothing. I also want to draw some accessories made out of fluffies and replicate it like if it was in a magazine.

This comic about a new type of fluffy discovered in colder climates. I plan to make the fluffy more bulky with thick fur so it can stay warm. This is a very early stage comic so I’m not sure when I’ll get around to finishing it.

This is the one I’m working on now, I plan for this one to be a few pages long. I don’t know if I should post one at a time or all together, probably the later. (I also hope the place holder image of the gun is fine, don’t want to break any rules. Probably overthinking it but I just want to make sure.)

Any criticism and/or suggestions I’d highly appreciate!