Dowber Demown (by chase70140)

Here’s my entry for Octoberthon Marathon Prompt #4

I haven’t thought of Lost tapes in years, but this prompt had me watching the series on Youtube to reminance. I was only 9 when I watched the Dover Demon episode and it scared the absolute shit out of me. Thinking the pile of clothes across the room at night was it standing there, that sort of thing.

Looking back on it now it’s super cheesy but it does a great job setting the mood and getting you creeped out.


Wow lost tapes. I remember watching the vampire episode with all the lights turned off as a kid. Scared me so bad I slept with the covers over my head for like a whole year lol.

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Season 2 had a huge quality increase where you’d actually be seeing the cryptids on screen instead of glimpses. That episode really fucked with me because we moved into a new house around that time and my room had the entrance to the attic where we never went up to.

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Oh i used to be such a scaredy cat as a kid and nowadays I walk through “the scariest haunted house” in my state while laughing XD

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Huh so that were i left that video … though i lost another recording of a smarty being eaten by a demon or a vampire

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