Drawing of some fluffies from upcoming Comic by Keeper_Of_Worlds

Here are Ozias and Osiris, They are Hairless twin fluffies with an Eye Mutation.

Little Backstory: I say twins only because the rest of their brothers and sister died in birth or were killed by their mother when young until Smarty named Chief heard the scared peeps Killed their smarty mother and saving those two boys and brought them back to their herd

Fluffy Talk: Owias an’ Osiwi


These are cats. These are not fluffy ponies.


I thought that they were pure mutant fluffies!!

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wtf is a hairless fluffy? Even your image makes it look like they’re covered in fluff. And why do they have 6 eyes?


I think he meant maneless, you know, the fluffy hairlike thing other than the fur.

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Weird cats?

I got the impression that fluffies are a weird pink under their fluff and have all kind of fat and skin rolls. The eye thing is cool, but it looks a little too perfect, almost?


This is a proper (non-shaved) hairless fluffy:


I thought they were some alien species from Pandora when I saw them. Cool-looking, but definitely not fluffies.


Man don’t be that guy

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They are based on the Egyptian God’s color scheme, so perhaps it looks like a cat color scheme cause some worship cats, No they have mid-Iq their manless fluffies and I made an effort to do shading in my technique like people said to do to make it better, I just believe your nitpicking at this point, if doesn’t conform to your standards just proceed past it and don’t reply to my post in the future.

Thank you

They are fluffies just mutations, they have fluffy snouts, and they just have many eyes due to mutations, but are round like other fluffies, with fluffy ears, and hoofs, the only that could be not fluffy enough to you is them being maneless and my fluffies have a tail under their fur that why if you cut it off they bleed do to abuse box.

Like said to the others if don’t like you dont have to reply

I say this with the best intentions in mind

I like the art, but it is kind of hard to tell that they’re fluffies just by looking at them. The tails do look more like cat tails than fluffy tails, and I can’t really see the hooves.

This is a good concept, though! It only needs a bit of tweaking, is all. Even I try to make sure that my fluffies are recognizable as fluffies, no matter how… ah… unusual they may be.

And I’ve never really done fluffies with extra eyes before, so I’m taking notes.


I never said “I don’t like”.
I think they look pretty cool, but they just don’t look like fluffies even if they’re supposed to be mutated ones.

For one, if they’re hairless, they shouldn’t have such obvious patterns on their skin. It would help a lot to convey their hairlessness if you either got rid of or dulled the skin patterns.

The ears are also too large and cat-like. Horses’ ears are much smaller compared to their heads than cats’ ears are, and fluffies’ ears are based on horses’ ears.

As you can see here, horses’ ears are more leaf-shaped, and are a little taller than they are wide.

Another thing is the eyes. It’s not the fact that they have extra eyes; it’s the look of the eyes themselves. While they do look cool, the small pupils and yellow sclera (eye “whites”) make them look too feline. Making the sclera white and the pupils larger would help a lot.
This last one isn’t as much of an issue as the rest, though.

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Mine do too, as do most people’s. But they’re not like cat tails; they’re like horse tails, as they should be.

Here is a real hairless horse (rare genetic mutation):

As you can see, horse’s tails are rather short and skinny underneath their hair. They don’t have long tails like cats and dogs do; the bulk of their tails is just hair.

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Thanks so much Pushka I will use your advice to make the tail shorter


You’re welcome! :slight_smile: