drm gdnmtnwTASWETNsy,naerntrtbevfgswaetseabtvgdvgz By: Munstah Mummah

Another comic for you~ Cause I love ya’ll

Me when I see virgils supple asscheeks


Translated from elementary school dropout to English.

Divorced Daddeh: Chapter 1.

Hello! My name is David, and, well… I’m divorced. I lost the custody battle , so both of our kids went with my ex wife when she moved into her new apartment. It doesn’t allow fluffies as pets, so my kids begged me to take care of their baby fluffy named “Goofer”. Heh… my kids come up with the silliest names. Damn, I miss them. :cry:

So, now I’m stuck following these crappy instructions that came with the “My First Fluffy” kit. Hasbio’s greed knows no bounds now that they’ve managed to crawl out of bankruptcy. All that came with the kit was a cheap plastic feeding bottle, a few baby supplies, and some powdered formula. Mix with some warm milk, and bottoms up. Here ya go little guy…


Fuck, that’s loud! If it wasn’t for my kids I would have flushed it down the toilet already!


I frantically search through the kit supplies while reading the instructions. Aha! A pacifer! Perfect.


“Elementary school dropout”? I just thought he had a Cockney accent.


Those fluffies are doomed.



Just kill it and say the fluffy ran Away

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