Drug Test; Phantom Limb By Levy-Ain-Thaun

11.17.2026 - In drug facilities, the are severall trails of test, to reach perfect drug effect, either it is getting high or just having a good time, but the are… weird side efect like accelerated aging, hair and theet falling out,instant blindess and even fingertips falling off, but in this facility the “leftovers” are rsold to AbuseCo stores as 'Speciall Nummies" and some workers even will steal recipes for the special nummies and produce by themself but these homemade special nummies are usually mid or low quallity
Worker12 is gonna test “phantom Limb” drug, but theres a short explanaition:
Phantom Limb is phenomenom where brain thinks that removed part of body is still there and functions wich means that can fell pain in area of missing part… Good?
So… Worker12 picks up fluffy that we gonna refer as ZZT2 since it is his id. ZZT2 is 4 old stallion with nicle dark green and avodaco collored coat.

“Wai nice mistuh gif upsies? i wan downsies”

Then, Worker12 puts ZZT2 into empty room with pseudo-torture tools, Worker12 picks up cheap cleaver and choppes off left leg and seals wound if blowtorch

“WHY MEANIE MISTUH GIF WOWSTESS BURNIE OWWIES?!?!” Scream out loud ZZT2, while Worker12 injects Phantom Limb drug into ZZT2’s bloodstream.

After a Hour: ZZT2 started to try walk like he had his 4 legs intact, but he tripped all over time and still didnt wanted to give up due to drug, before it runs out

After 2 Hours: Worker12 kicked ZZT2 and he tried to kick Worker12 with his “2 legs” wich looked kinda funny, but still he couldnt walk properlly, he was atill on drug when Worker12 “cutted” ZZT2’s “left leg” and he screamed:

“WOWSTES CUTTIE OWWIES” and started to run and cry in panic, but actually he rolled and cried like a baby, so Worker12 gave him candy corn to quote “Shut him UP”

After 5 hours: Drug effect started to weaken, because ZZT2 started to asking Worker12 about his left leg, and when drug stopped working he cried out loud, so after test Worker12 gave ZZT2 a artificiall leg, so he can be with his family and not be called “Munsta Daddy”… So Drug Phantom Limb has a lot of potenciall, so there will be second test with upgraded formula…

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The possibilities are enormous with this type of drug

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