Drug Test; Phantom Limb v2 by Levy-Ain-Thaun

So… After test of Phantom Limb drug, one worker thought: “what if instead of felling place if missing limb, it would make you fell limb even if its chopped off…” and almost instantly started working on new formula, in this new formula worker added amebas that instead of eating brain they “connect” body and brain somehow, to fell pain. and therefore new test began:

Before before injectiion: we picked up ZZT2 from pen, and putted in test room, Worker12 injected syryinge A into fluffy. after injecting Worker12 chopped of right leg from fluffy and injected into this leg syringe B. and injecting syringe A is importand because if sytrince B was injected into other fluffy fluffy A would fell pain of Fluffy B wich is perfect for Punishment Pals… And what these amebas do? like i said they “connect” fluffy with limb so fluffy can fell pain ven if limb is chopped off.

1 Hour after injection: After injecting syringes and chopping off right leg, worker12 picked it up and pierced it with stapler, then fluffy reacted:

“OUWWIIII” wich indicated that drug worked as it supposed to. but Worker12 was a bit skepticall so he decided to cook leg

3 Hours after injection: after cooking the leg he dinged in and after bite ZZT2 screamed: “WOWSTED LEGGIE OWWIES EVA!!” wich indicated that after cooking leg fluffy was able to fell it and after meal, Worker13 asked ZZT2 about his right leg and he explained that he had worstes owwies eva wich incidaces that thank to drug he was able to fell entire damn process of cooking… so one more test

6 Hours after injection: Worker 12 decided to inject ince again drug to ZZT2 but this time he injected syringe B into hiss balls, to chopp them off, seaf them, freeze them, and do anything to cause much pain ass possible. after ball tourture he headed back to ZZT2 to only hear thim saying: “wan Die” so test of drug is succesfull and it will be in production phase. Later he returned ZZT2 to his cage with his familly but without legs and balls.

Drug will be distributed under name: Connector, and will be sold for like 14.99 in usd. I will be sold at Fluffy-Marts. Thats for all for today.


This needs to be in self text instead

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The concept sounds really fun! But you might want to double check the text itself so it’s easier to read. Assuming english isn’t your native language you can always try writing in your native language too, some peeps might appreciate it.

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