Du Wike Mummah Say: By Stwumpo

Good morning babbeh!

You are a cute, chubby little pink wingie foal who lives with his mummah under the big tree in the biiiig green place. Mummah’s fluff is so soft, and you love mummah so much! As you wake up a bit more you tell mummah this and give her huggies.

“Wub 'ou mummah! Babbeh am wakies nao! Fankyu fow wet babbeh hab gud sweepies in mummah pwetty fwuff!” You squeeze mummah’s tummy as biiiig as your little weggies will let you! Mummah gives you her bestest mummah huggie back, and she softly boops your head with her smeww pwace. “Eeeee! Babbeh am wakies? Hooway! Mummah wub babbeh tuu! Hab wotsa miwkies fow babbeh!” Hooray! Milkies are the bestest nummies. Mummah loves all her babbehs, so mummah always makes the bestest milkies.

Rolling clumsily down mummah’s big fluffy tummeh, giggling and making only a little waffy peepees, you see bwudda and sissy! “Hewwo bwudda and sissy! Mummah hab miwkies! Su happies!”

“It twoo bwudda! Sissy and udda bwudda hab bestest miwkies aweddy!” Your pretty purple pointy sissy was so happy to see you. Now that all babbehs were wakies, it could be time for play! Your green wingie brudda was bounding towards you for huggies, and you waddled to meet him. Hugging wingie brudda was always the bestest because you both had such pretty wingies, and when you had bestest brudda huggies, your wingies got happies! Someday you’ll be big fluffies, and you and wingie brudda will flap your wingies so good that you fly away to Skettiland!

Brudda smells good today, like pretty flowers and baww nummies. “Bwudda gunna wub miwkies, dey gud miwkies dis bwite tiem! Bestest miwkies ebba hab! Dwink aww da miwkies su gwow biggies wike biggy bwudda!” You giggled and played huggy fight for a few seconds. Green wingie brudda was a little bit taller than you so he always called you little. You didn’t mind. Brudda never gave you heart hurties about it, and you wub him suuuuu muchies!

Returning to mummah, you latched onto her miwkie pwace. At once you were filled with bestest mummah miwkies! Mummah was singing a mummah song, and you could even feel her making little dancies! Siwwy mummah, dancies are for babbehs!

Having drank your fill, you bounced your way to where brudda and sissy were chasing nice wady buggies. “Hewwo! Wittwe babbeh hab miwkies! Am weddy fow pway!” Your siblings cheered, as more babbehs meant more pway! The possibility of the day stretched out before you, and it keeps getting better!

On the hill near your nestie you see a group of other babbehs! Hooray for babbehs! Naturally, you all start scrambling up the hill at them. As you near them, brimming with anticipation, you can hear the laughing and singing that goes alomg with any good gathering of babbehs. Eager to join in, you and your siblings tumble through the game of huggy tag. Nobody seems to mind, and after a hearty round of “Nyu fwend?” you’re like part of the herd.

For many forevers you play and play. Frolicking in the meadow until the sun hangs low in the sky. A big unicorn stallion approaches, and you hear some of the babbehs yelling “Daddeh hewe! Daddeh hewe!” He snorts and rears up on his hind hoofsies.

“AWW BABBEHS HAFTA GU WIF HEWD! SMAWTY WAN AWW BABBEHS BACK WIF DUMMEH MAWES WITE NAO! HEWD GONNA WEABE AND GU TU HOOMIE PWACE FOW SKETTIES!” Wow. So this is a real life Smarty Friend? Your mummah had told you about them but you’d never met one. He was very scary, and you made scaredy poopies when he yelled. You gave huggies to your friends and turned to go when he yelled.

“DUMMEH BABBEHS NU HEAW SMAWTY? GU BACK TU OU MUMMAH, DUMMEH BABBEHS!” Your sissy turned around, the bravest amongst you. “Babbehs nu am fwom hewd! Mummah nestie am in big gween pwace wif pwetty fwowews an bigges’ twee!” You’re in awe of your brave, brave sister. Standing up to a Smarty? You could barely stand, you were shaking so bad.

The Smarty snorted. “Dummeh babbehs nu twy twick Smawty! Nu gunna be wike wast time! Dummeh mawes yeww at Smawty and nu gib gud enfies untiw Smawty come aww way back fow dummeh babbehs hu wan pway mowe! Smawty nu wike! Dummeh babbehs du wat Smawty say ow Smawty hafta gib huwties tu dummeh babbehs!” With that he started stomping back and forth from his front to his hind legs, bucking harder than any fluffy you’ve ever seen. Brudda makes the call.

“Wun way! Haftu fin’ mummah!”

At once the three of you take off. You do what mummah always told you to do if a munstah chased you. “Babbehs gun wan stay tugedda becuz babbehs nu wan be awone cuz is scawedy.” She was right. That’s what was in your heart. “But dat am dummeh. Munstah chasin’ babbehs am gunna catch babbehs. But if aww babbehs gu way awone den munstah nu knu wat babbeh tu du meanie huwties tu! Munstah nu can gu twee pwaces aww at same time! Am onwy munstah!”

She was right about that, too. Whatever your heart said, your brain talked it out of it. “Babbehs hafta spwit up wike mummah say!” With that, you peeled off to the left, towards a thicket of bushes. As you ran, you looked back. Your siblings followed your lead.

Brudda went right, towards the Big Gwound Howes, where he liked to play and give huggies to the bunnies living there. He knew them better than anyone, and most of the tunnels were too narrow for anyone but a babbeh to enter. He’d be safe if he reached it.

Sissy was fastest, so she went straight. As she chose her path you could see her pick up speed. Out of all of you, she was most capable of outrunning the Smarty. It was clear now that she’d been running slower to stay with her bruddas.

You didn’t have scawy tunnews to make hidesies in, and you can’t make bestes’ wunnies to escape. No, you don’t have those advantages. You have a series of bushes that you hope won’t have scawy buggies in them, and zero ideas what to do if you’re caught. You run as fast as you can, so when you realize that the Smarty decided you were the easy babbeh to chase, you didn’t have some extra reserve to tap into. All you had was the rapidly closing distance between you and the bush. The Smarty was closer to you than you were to the bush, but you were moving towards the bush a lot faster than the Smarty was catching you. To your amazement you manage to get in under the thicket as you’re sure you felt something brush your tail. But no hurties, no meanie pulls. You were home free, and the bush looked thick enough to-

You’re jerked back and your feet fly out from under you. Your left wingie has the worstest hurties and you start screaming. “Nu take babbeh! Babbeh awweddy hab mummah! Nu wan hewd!” You hear the Smarty yell…something. But he’s…he’s too far away.


You open your eyes and strain to look at wingie. It’s caught in a branch. You wiggle it to try and free it, but it’s tangled up in there good. You’re able to get your footing, and try to pull away with brute force, but it just hurts more and more until you can’t do it for fear of hurting your wingie.

Then you hear it. A crunchy stomping sound. The Smarty was sorry hoofing the bushes to reach you, and he was getting closer. "Dummeh babbeh! Ou bettah teww Smawty whewe udda babbehs gu ow Smawty make ou poppie babbeh! Num awwwww poopies fow hewd! Su gebback hewe nao!"

When the moment came, you didn’t hesitate. There was a sudden clarity. He was catching you, wingie was stuck. “Am…am sowwy. Goobai wingie.” You started running forward and when the catch came, you shifted your weight and drug through it.

Your wingie pulled out of its socket, and it hurt more than anything had ever hurt you before, and more than anything would again…until a moment later when the skin and muscle around it tore and you found yourself running free. Careful to keep your right wingie tucked close, you darted off into the depth of the bush. You didn’t know all the twists and turns, but you could always hear the biwdie famiwy that lived by your nestie. You ran towards their pretty song, scarcely noticing the searing pain in your back.

You came stumbling out of the bush into the daylight half expecting to see the Smarty waiting for you. To your relief, it was brudda. A moment later, mummah came out carrying sissy. Sissy looked exhausted. She always has to take gud nappies after exerting herself, but she’s panting with her tongue out on top of mummah’s head. They’re thrilled to see you, but their faces drop when they see booboo juice, and they turn to horror when they see you’ve lost a wingie.

They give all sorts of huggies and there are many huhuhus. “Su saddies fow babbeh wose wingie but mummah jus happies dat mummah nu wose babbeh!” Mummah gave you the biggest warmest hug. Brudda bashfully speaks up. “Uhhhh su bwudda, uhhh wat happen tu wingie?” You look him in the eye and say quite plainly, “Babbeh had tu wun way fwum Smawty. Wingie am fwends wif dummeh bushie pwace nao, nu wan weabe wif babbeh. Su babbeh hafta weabe wingie. Hab wowstest owwies doh, an booboo juice nu feew pwetty in fwuff. Mummah gib wicky cweanies?” Mummah smiles warmly and scoops you up. “Mummah happy tu hewp make babbeh cwean and pwetty gain!”

As she carries you off you hear your sissy whisper to your brudda. "Dat fwuffin’ cwayzee, wingie bwudda jus teaw own wingie off? Babbeh am happies fow be su fast, nu cowd ebba du dat."

Your remaining wingie fluttered. Yeah. You made the right choice.