Dumb Chat Doodles (Artist: SqueakyFriend)

I keep making dumb little doodles in chat so hey, why not make a proper post with them? Leaving out the ones that turned into proper little comics, those will get their own post.

very legit selfie
This is most definitely a real selfie from my real house and not the first Google Images result I saw. Totally.

I miss the days when this was the chat.

game restrictions
We were talking about region-locked porn/nazi games for some reason.

vs ace
That’s what you get for picking fights!

the hugs have arrived
Too late.

big ole pit
Ft. MintMania and Brayatan-Senpai. You do not get context for this.

“Consider: Hugbox party foals”
“you probably still need some glue so this doesn’t happen”

k o
someone: “I need to see a fluffy get the shit beaten out of it RIGHT NOW”
Squeaky: “I can do that!”

“Huh, you know I’ve never drawn a super fat foal before, let me rectify that.”

flufftube controversy
someone: “You know what, fluffies SHOULD be controversial.”



Can’t believe I died of sepsis.


Hey, I have chat doodles too!

Maybe I should share mine too…?

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You should!

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LOL at that last one.

-big, overly exaggerated sigh-

“Fwuffy make bewy big mistake. Bu’ fwuffy nu am bad fwuffy, jus’ nu knu. Dis am wearnin’ time fo’ fwuffy.”


The smarty wins is so hilarious.

I was having a cute aggression episode and … You can imagine the rest.



I miss rfrotiree the most. Unhinged beautiful bastard