Dynamic problems with a fluffy no.4 (Mimix)

The 100-kg cylinder rolls without slipping on the horizontal plane. Determine the acceleration of its mass center.

This was on my final exam and prob why I’m retaking the class. Once again first person to solve it will get to choose what artsyle I’ll recreate for the next problem. Fuzztoy I’m willing to let you try to solve this one considering not even Chatgpt gave me the right answer. Good luck!!


what class btw?

I’m in favor of “the fluff roller” being a regular tool.
Just an old fashioned rolling pin will do fine.

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Im guessing you took ‘show your work’ IiteraIIy… Some kind of math probIem.

Homer-1 (1)

Dynamics is the reason I’m not an engineering student anymore. I swear I had the same problem on my final exam.

I had a moment of inspiration and wanted to make a shit edit of this with him saying ‘Get to the choppa’ and giving them a gun and pointing to a helicopter behind him.

But im also feeling out of energy. :frowning:

I might join you on that path if my semester grades go to shit

Preping for the MCAT at this moment. Let me try solve it.
So we know Fnet=ma. Friction goes in the opposite direction as Force Applied P, which means P-fricton=ma

Friction used here is rotational inertia x rotational acceleration

Rotational inertia = 1/2 mr^2

Torque = Rotational Inertia x Rotational Acceleration= 1/2 mr^2 x rotational acceleration = 1/2 mr^2 x a / r = 1/2mr x a

Torque = Friction x r = 1/2mr x a

Friction = 1/2ma

Thus F=ma=P-friction=P-1/2 ma

P=3/2ma = 3/2x 100 x a = 200N

150a = 200N a=1.33

correct me if I got anything wrong here!

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Yeah that’s what I was gonna say

You are correct!! As reward for solving this, Imma let you choose a fluffy art style you want me to use for my next dynamics problem

Called it

Love2hatefluffs style would be neat.
Do you mind do more slopes and / or kinetic potential energy questions?